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Everything posted by Duynghia101

  1. Maybe i ll collect pokemon now and sell for red player then :)
  2. maybe u need taunt for it
  3. Duynghia101

    Ban Crawdaunt

    Using metapod, kakuna, weedle, oddish, paras and venonat is also a playstyle. That doesn't mean talonflame should be banned because its really op vs that team :p Haha lol, you are so OP with TR3Y. You needs to be BANNEDDDD :devil:
  4. Re: kokopa"s personal shop <t>i want swinub :D</t>
  5. Why not 500 coin for top 25 and 5 coin more each rank up :D
  6. Duynghia101

    Ban Crawdaunt

    Okay, then ban blissey, chansey too =))
  7. finally after 2 months
  8. Ign: duynghia101 Sever: yellow Answer 1 :Uxie Answer 2 : They come from the same egg created by Arceus
  9. great ideal XD +1 vote
  10. 344 evol? How can....
  11. Farewell, we 'll miss you alot
  12. Re: [All Servers] PRO's Best Server Tour <r>Wow, I want that prize <E>:devil:</E> <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  13. [highlight=yellow]56 635[/highlight] pds total average budget of a yellow player Yellow player is richest huehue :Crazy:
  14. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 19/03/2017] <t>Misty gave me 5 rc</t>
  15. Re: WTS shiny corsola <r><QUOTE author="Pauloxd123" post_id="385315" time="1494632927" user_id="1519495"><s> </e></QUOTE>Sure, auction ends on May 14 11:50 gmt+8<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> am I won? <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  16. Id: duynghia101 Country: Vietnam
  17. Hey, thank you for your decision to bid on my high quality cancer. I just trade with high quality cancer so I can undestant when you want everything. However, it would be nice when you could do a closer decision, In other words: I have 2 Togepi´s, which one? :P Edit: Blue server right? Yea im in blue xD I want timid 10 speed togepi :Angel:
  18. 50k for cancer togepi
  19. Re: WTS shiny corsola <t>I like blue :D may I start 200k?</t>
  20. Re: Selling epic Gale wings and other epic pokes <t>550k scolipede</t>
  21. Re: Legendary Dogs Location :) (Entei, Suicune, Raikou) TOPIC UNDER DEVELOPMENT <r>Thank you! Nice guide <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  22. Can I know tyrantrum price?
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