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Everything posted by Scrubdoodle

  1. bump
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  3. close
  4. Sorry it’s been sold it someone else
  5. close
  6. my IGN is ScrubDoodle,, im looking for a bulbasaur//Discord: Mk#9487
  7. can be closed
  8. ill buy ferrothorn if we can negotiate a bit just hmu ign: ScrubDoodle///Discord:Mk#9487
  9. i would like to buy that tangrowth please ign: ScrubDoodle// Discord: Mk#9487
  10. wtb magnezone, and azumarill IGN: ScrubDoodle Discord: Mk#9487 nvm just realized this is silver mb
  11. Im looking to buy epic pvp ready pokes ive got 2m, please comment with a pic of the pokemon your asking price, and ign, and discord/// my ign: ScrubDoodle/ Discord: Mk#9487
  12. what's your ign? ScrubDoodle How many hours do you have in PRO? 140 Do you have discord? yes, Mk#9487 How far are you in story? finished the whole story mode How active are you in PRO? Well typically i play about 5-6 hrs after getting back from school but it may vary some days depending on sports and other activities Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? PvE, atm im looking to gain some knowledge on pvp, im also purchasing a team of pvp ready pokemon in order to get into pvp Why do you want to join Calamity guild? I want to join the guild because I would like to gain as much information as possible in order to succeed in this game.
  13. h.p. water/ ign ScrubDoodle/ discord Mk#9487
  14. ign ScrubDoodle/ discord Mk#9487
  15. Hi i added u on disc to ask a few questions my name is Mk on there
  16. starting bid 500k, raise min 50k 24 hours starts with first bid
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