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Everything posted by Krawod

  1. Hello I would like to apply, Why do you feel you'd be a good fit for Toxicity?: Well I m not sure what to answer to this since I m not anything special. I ´ve benn playing the past year in the guild Team Magma, but its been dieing in the past three months and reached a point in which I consider moving on to the next community. Have you made sure you are eligible to join?: No I didin t , cause I cant see if I am, thats probably because of the new forums. What is your Discord Tag?: My Dicord Tag is Krawod#7327 Please attach your trainer card: https://gyazo.com/90b50e5c5bba8e6b1aedca001d0a329f
  2. @Travis1991 You can contact either me on Discord Krawod#7327 or iriztha Iriz#8672 :)
  3. Re: Epic HA Timid Eevee <t>I ll start it</t>
  4. Re: WTS Pawniard adamant defiant <t>900 ^^</t>
  5. Re: WTS Pawniard adamant defiant <t>820k from me :)</t>
  6. Smartest: Mebzerg Friendliest: Mickzde Funniest: Iriztha Coolest: Praxis Comeback Player of the Year: Most Talkative: Iriztha Most Trustworthy: Animesh Most Helpful: Mebzerg Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Danieltuan Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year): Mickzde Most Intriguing (who manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): Mickzde Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Biaozila Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Shaui Most Friendly Staff: Shaui Most Dedicated Staff: Shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: Thor
  7. Sure contact Praxis or me via discord or ingame: Discord: Krawod#7327
  8. Re: Timid, HP Fire, MAGNEZONE <t>I ll bid 3 ccs</t>
  9. Holla senior, I would like to buy your services for an lvl 15 Feebas pm me ingame if thats fine with you. Then we can discuss thinks while drinking an nice cup of tea. Marvelous!!! Sincerly Yours Krawod
  10. I offer 300k
  11. Hello, like the title said I m looking for an epic h.a. ada Crawdaunt/Corpish .
  12. IGN: Krawod Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 : Triforce from The Legend of Zelda games
  13. Re: ★Fabion's PokéStore★ (Reopening 14/09) <t>Hi,<br/> how much for the magikarp?</t>
  14. I would like to start Lucario
  15. Hello and welcome to my daycare shops, - I m offering ev training and leveling to 95 for 100k - While only ev cost you 40k each stat. All levels that occur while ev training won t be charged I can do egg moves as well you just have to pay the 15 k it costs Sincerly Yours, Krawod
  16. Hello fellow trainers, I m currently looking for a epic Timburr with guts. Have a nice day Krawod
  17. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>I m interested as well, I m on the blue server :)</t>
  18. You and your friend can join if you want! Do you have a discord by any chance ? If not I'll just catch you in game or someone in blue that's an officer, happy gaming Sure just downloaded Discord and added Oshirou and iriz.
  19. Hello, I would like to join the Guild on the Blue Server. About me: I started this game in March last year and played it with 2 friends of mine. After beating all possible regions I ended up losing interest. But 2 weeks ago I started playing this game again with another friend of mine. But Since my friend had to start from kanto I m still ahead of him and sometimes bored. So I thought how to end this boredom and I came the solution to join a guild. Sincerly Yours, Krawod
  20. Re: Wings Of Destiny [blue Server] <t>Hello,<br/> <br/> I would like to join the guild!<br/> <br/> About Me: My name is Niklas, I´m 19 years old and from Germany. Currently I have a lot of time and spend a lot of it on this game.<br/> <br/> 1. My IGN is Krawod.<br/> <br/> 2. Currently I have 150 hours playtime. I just finished Johto and want to build my PvP Team.<br/> <br/> 3. I started to play this game with two friends, and we really had fun talking/playing the game. But nowadays I think that I should get to know more people, so I thought that joining a guild could bring more fun.<br/> <br/> 4. No I don´t use Discord yet. But I could always just download it.<br/> <br/> 5. I really dont know. Maybe a Aggron^^<br/> <br/> Thanks for reading my application.<br/> <br/> Have a nice Day<br/> Krawod/Niklas</t>
  21. Hello, My name is Niklas, I´m from Germany and got hooked on Pokemon Revolution. Recently I finished Hoenn and now I m trying to Ev-Train my Poke. Currently I have 154 hours played. Thanks for reading my post. Have a nice Day krawoD/Niklas
  22. Re: Nechrit's Lair. Big update! <t>250k for that Lairon :)</t>
  23. Hello, I want to buy epic hoenn pokemons lvl 1-50. Please post your pokemon with the price you want to see :) Have a nice Day KrawoD
  24. Hello, I would like to buy a really good Sharpedo as you can see. Please send me the data of your pokemon and the Price. Thanks for reading my topic. Have a nice Day KrawoD
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