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Everything posted by Williwu

  1. WTB Discord: WilliWu#1437
  2. WTB Discord: WilliWu#1437
  3. I added you on discord already
  4. Please state your Discord ID... or you can add me through Discord WilliWu#1437
  5. whats your discord name?
  6. New officer try to revive this guild, contact with discord or ingame: Lostie56#1437, WilliWu: Recruiting from today Benefits are: PVPable pokemons depending how many recruits we have, each helper gets surprisingly rewards
  7. Event closed becuase i have a guild now
  8. FIXED the invite in my channel just rejoin allsmell and Norex
  9. Norex of course i remember, always happy
  10. Hello everyone, hope your having a wonderful day. I will be hosting giveaway and events worth over 50m worth of money in my server. Here are few things which i have planned. Name: WilliWu's Engagement Stream (Me only) Details: No Rules Must attend my stream about sydney Write you're ingame name on Information Page Giveaway: There will be a daily giveaway for 1 days from all 4 accounts Events: There will be 1 events, one event. The event is as follows- Join the server until 14th you will you get something with a prizes There are roles within the server Leader gets to give Pro staff gets 2 rewards LOLs get 1 rewards Unknown nothing When: 14/02/2021 The prizes the events are Pokemons, poke cash and items, enough for everyone i choose who gets the best or nothing This will be on only gold. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/ezfQu8nb Have Fun! Hurry up before it's too late. https://discord.gg/ezfQu8nb
  11. but i didnt talk to the rewards distributor yet...
  12. Hello at 6:43pm Sydney time i was in stage 4 battle tower and suddenly the server crashed could you please reset the time for me?
  13. Wtb contact me on discord: WilliWu94#1437
  14. wtb contact me discord: WilliWu94#1437
  15. Wtb contact me discord: WilliWu94#1437
  16. wtb Contact me Discord: WilliWu94#1437
  17. WTB these bad boys you have my discord lol
  18. wtb discord me: WilliWu94#1437
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