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  1. 1m6
  2. *budget: pay up to 3m *Ivs: 20+ all except spatk is not need *Ability: swift swim *Nature: adam *Contact: Discord: Ice-chan #9693 Ingame: icechan
  3. Delevel request Ign: Icechan Server: silver Id pokemon: 47907112 Hi, there is few bug, my natu didn't evol when i hit 98/99/100 lvl cap, no evol show up, can you delevel it from 100 to 99 or evol it?
  4. Username: Icechan Server: silver Country/timezone: Vietnam/Gmt+7
  5. Hi! Can you delevel 1 my natu from 62 to 61 pls, i accident make it too high. Id: 35127147 Ign: Icechan Server: gold Thank you!
  6. Canceled (sorry wrong server- from gold)
  7. I want to buy that chandelure
  8. What is the price of alolan muk 31/30
  9. Ingame name: icechan Server: gold De- 1 lvl my charmander: id:35127247 pls. Thanks!
  10. I will pm u ingame when i can :^
  11. I will pm u in game when i can :^
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