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Everything posted by Jadeash

  1. WTS 250k
  2. Looking for a few event forms Have a fair budget for each List: - Hallo Cyndaquil(no evos) - Hallo Chikorita - Xmas Mudkip - Summer Snivy Message here or PM on discord #Jade2509 or pm ingame IGN Jadeash
  3. Insta by Bojak. Sold for 2m
  4. Insta 2m 48 hours after first bid Offere here or in game, ign Jadeash
  5. I think a casual reward for random battles would be nice. Something like outfits, mounts, accessories and especially face accessories since they're new and there arent much of them now in the game. Some other incentive items for participation like pve/pvp coins or a new shop altogether or maybe even shop coins (from the cc). (small amounts like 5 coins, 10 coins)
  6. too much but ty
  7. Want to buy a Valentine's day Alolan Vulpix/Ninetales. PM me image and price here or ingame. IGN: Jadeash
  8. up
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