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  1. Allowed People Who did the dungeon alone and had more than 4000 pts to enter shadow area
  2. Victini Swampert Breloom
  3. Best event ive ever done on Pro. The dungeon was trully the Best part ! First time we need to cooperate to succeed a quest. The part for Zekrom was pretty cool too (easier than dungeon). The durability was Nice but too bad we need to wait few days for each part. We need more event like this one. I know it takes a loooong time to make but if every xmas event is like this year im super hyped. Even more if summer event has the same treatment Nice work
  4. Player Name : Epik93 Server : Silver Timezone (in GMT) : +2
  5. Rotom-mow do the job perfectly too
  6. it's good now
  7. Today, I entered one time (by clicking on "want more informations", it makes me go in without asking my permission). It's also the first time since the *debug* of U.Battle. It's the third time i'm going into this location since the release of Part II of the event
  8. I agree
  9. Did you get the four fragment before talking to him ?
  10. Glalie's stone Quest You start at Vermi's Library and you need to interact with the top right book shelve The book tells us that Glalilite is now 4 fragments that we need to find There are 4 locations, each one with one fragment Ice Path (Johto) / Seafoam Island (Kanto) / Lake Acuity (Sinnoh) / The last one is the remain ice stone at Shoal Cave (Hoenn) Fragment n°1 : Ice Path You need to go to Ice path B1F and interact with the big ice rock under the northernmost hole. Just wait and don't move for 2 minutes (Poketime not real time) and click again to obtain the 1st fragment ! Fragment n°2 : Seafoam Island Enter Seafoam Island by the left entrance (from fuschia). Take the 1st ladder in your way. You must arrived there Go South and to the right, take the last stairs (don't take the ladders) go up and interact with the second big ice rock You just need a Pokemon in your team with the move Flash to obtain the 2nd fragment. Fragment n°3 : Lake Acuity Go to Lake Acuity (near Snowpoint city) and interact with the second rock on the lake. You will need to surf around the lake and stay close to the border (follow the blue line between lake and border). You will also have to turn around the lake anticlockwise so from the south of the lake to the right etc.. You have to start under the rock, close to the border and finish your turn there. If you succeed, you will have a dialogue : you can get your 3rd fragment from the rock ! (Hint : Refresh every 3 - 4 steps to be sure you're on the border) Fragment n°4 : Shoal Cave Go to the Shoal Cave (low tide) 03:00 - 09:00 / 15:00 - 21:00 (Pokétime) You'll need a low IV glalie and put it in slot 6. I don't know what is the maximum IV needed. Mine was under 60 IV. You get the 4th fragment when you have the right glalie. Now, you have to find a rock's expert ... Get the Glalie Mega Stone Go to the Pewter's Museum and speak to the scientist to the right. You just need 6 ice pokemon in your team.
  11. I've got a Mimikyu but the pokeball isn't next to mimi's sprite in pokedex. ->
  12. IGN : Epik93 Server : Silver Please evolve my two cute pokemon : Swirlix ( ID : 38122607 ) and Spritzee ( ID : 28920153 ). They already hold their evo items. Thanks !
  13. Showdown : Epik93 PRO : epik93 :)
  14. Delete post thanks !
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