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Posts posted by Whitebaron

  1. 8 minutes ago, Rednaks said:

    Personally I liked the event in global even tho I have some bad thoughts on some aspects. I was excited when I saw the trailer and the storyline reached my expectations. (8/10)

    The quest was fun to do (even if it's hard) but my only issue is that it was extremely hard for newbies (nearly impossible to complete). (7/10)

    the effort/reward is average (5/10) as the only noticeable reward was keldeo, unlike halloween event where we had more side quests to do, so more rewards.

    this leads me to say that the quest is pretty short and you get bored easily after finishing it. 
    So as a global appreciation is 6.75/10 but I appreciated the effort done especially for the storyline.

    Keep up the good work.✌️


    We also gift 3 full cosmetics set, a reroll ticket after 20 wins vs Elmer + Keldeo and you guys are still able to do side quest from 2019 to earn xmasCurrencie to buys some cosmetics.

  2. Hello Raazer1,


    First of all you can't battle this npc you have to bid with it. Second thing, I guess you just confused yourself with the 24hours cooldown. You have to win 1 time every 24hours, It mean that if you win on Isroc before this 24 hours cooldown and even if it's another day you wont incrase your win variable on this NPC.


    Example :

    First win Monday at 12 am =  the variable is incrase by 1 + 24 hours cooldown.

    First win Tuesday at 11 am =  the variable isn't incrase and you still have  around 1 hours cooldown remaining.


    Win Tuesday at 12:01 am  = the variable is incrase by 1 + 24 hours cooldown.


    You probably made a mistake here. The cooldown of the NPC is fine and automatizate also the incrementation of the variable work fine on the script.





  3. Hello Coono,


    This bug exist for years the issue come from the battle turns code and it wont be fixed for now.

    We also don't refund rating if this bug happen (In case if you was wondering).


    Take care in your future battle now and try to not die from a life orb in the last battle turn if you don't have another pokemon alive in your team.

    This bug also happen in case where you are using explosion with your last pokemon.


    Also thanks for your report it will be fixed in the future.



  4. Hi [uSER=1737828] Darksun20[/uSER],


    Nothing is unfair, the summer event should be here for more than 30 days. Also if we encounter a problem and have to make it shorter I can at every moment decrase the variable for everyone. Also this npc is clearly worth to be used even without getting the 30 days reward.






    • Like 2
  5. Hello @Tekii @JVPrado @BazFox @xKingBaljeetx @Lumisch [uSER=2693014] NemacFTW[/uSER] [uSER=2438258] Jdude[/uSER] [uSER=3867] j4vi[/uSER] [uSER=2740076] DuckChan1x[/uSER] [uSER=2740193] damian022444[/uSER],


    Everything should be fixed a upload destroyed all scripts.

    You guy's can still encounter some bugs since maybe some variables didn't get assigned properly. If you encounter one post again a message here and I will fix manualy your variables. Don't forget also to follow the report template it make my work easiest.



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  6. Hi [uSER=300985] Ervin262[/uSER],



    In your case their is no any bug, paul disappear after teleporting you. You just have to come back in the route 103 and beat Pluton.

    Also follow that way to report if you encounter a problem like I asked on the thread.



    Description: NPC's don't appear after I get teleported to Littleroot Town by Paul.



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