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Everything posted by Fetxize

  1. s.o 100k 3day left (french time 16h56) min bid 50k
  2. i don't know if i can add min bid now
  3. s.o 150k insta 2m 3day left (french time)
  4. i buy that togekiss
  5. hi, my riolu won't evolve and it's the day, he have max happy
  6. hello guys i sell my epic pokémon good luck i accept capsule coins capsule coins = 400k GMT+1 French time ends in: December 16, 2021, 03:10 AM (Thursday) GMT+2 c.o 2m2 by Vermilionz min bid 100k c.o 2m by SideEffect min bid 100k ends in : December 15, 2021, 02:58 AM (Wednesday) GMT+2
  7. hi, i want to join my ing is fetxize and my tag discord is Vale#1134
  8. mods please?
  9. hello i want a epic dratini h.a adamant my budget is 3m+
  10. Fetxize

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? fetxize 2. Number of hours played? 1430hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? charizard 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting 5. How old are you? (Optional) 19 years
  11. 1. What is your IGN (in-game name)? fetxize 2.What is your number of hours played? 1430hours 3. How many regions you have finished? 4 4. What is your best rating and average rating? 200 and my average rating is 100 5. Put screen shot of trainer card if possible.
  12. What's your Player name (IGN)? fetxize Number of hours played? 1430hours What's your favourite Pokemon? charizard What country are you from? french How old are you? 19years Which server do you play on? Silver server
  13. What's your Name/IGN? fetxize ● How old are you? 19years ● Are you active in Discord? Yes ● Where are you from? French ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? i have 1438hours ● What's your goal in PRO? Get epic pokémon for pvp ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? Learn to PvP ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Charizard i love his design ● What's your favorite animal and why? Cats because it's cute
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