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Everything posted by Phuongismylife

  1. fail nature still worth 60-100k
  2. S.O.: 2m Insta: 4m Minbid: 100k Auction 48hrs after 1st bid Accepted payment: - CC as 450k - RC as 5k ea (max 100 pcs)
  3. auction ended, babasti won for 1m, trade completed.
  4. started by Babasti, end 08:05 PM GMT+1 (Paris time)
  5. C.o.: 1m by babasti Insta: 2m Minbid: 50k End: 08:05 P.M. GMT+1 07/12/2024 Accepted payment: - Pokedollars - CC as 450k - RC as 6k (max. 50 pieces) + cash
  6. Sr wrong topic, moved to normal poke thread.
  7. Sawk #1: 900k Sawk #2: 900k Accepted payment: - Cash - CC as 430k - RC as 5k Price for buying both: 1m7.
  8. 1.2, transfer if I win.
  9. lol close to a maximum jackpot there
  10. 3.9m, will transfer if I win
  11. 3.6m, will transfer if I win
  12. 2.1m, transfer if I win
  13. 1.4m, transfer if I win
  14. 800k, will transfer if I win
  15. Auction ended, trade completed!
  16. Bump, price and duration updated!
  17. S.o: 1m Insta: 2.5m Minbid: 50k Auction last 24hours after first bid Accepted payment: Cash, CC as 440k.
  18. 1.8, will transfer if i win
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