Hey, I would like to have the Nitendo Switch because only with it, its possible for me to stop the climatic change!
Our problem is: We have ozone layers... (amongst other things)
The answere is: Szintillation γ spectroscopy
We have two (genaral) optiones to stop climatic change.
1.) We use clean industrys and stop using so much oil and decrease in general our "Ecological Footprint" (But you think this gonna happen? :Cry: )
2.) We use my (100% working) theorie and put a gas in our ozone to reflekt or to convert all rays comming from our sun. (Climatic change= warm | convert rays = cold)
p(e)= (A/(2└Ò*-1/2)) (-1/2 (E-E²/Ò)²) This is how szintillations works (Im serious, this is even right)
E= γ-energie
Ò= peak distance
└= pie (idk why it looks so strange but from now this is pie)
What you see: Some random complicatet digits --> He just can be right
What I see: Some not random complicatet digits --> Nitendo Switch
What it is: Some not random but nonsense digits --> Just give me the Switch... -.-
In this video you can see a prototype simulation (Its a prototype becasue Its only 1 frame atm)
We have a gas which hovers in ozone, this gas will convert all rays aka. sunlight, its possible to convert the sunlight into 99% energie and 1% sunlight. At the end we can produce more indurtry... uhm I mean we will be happy till we die becasue we have no climatic change.
Why I need the Swich for that? Easy: I need smt to compensate my obsession for PRO.
Edit: my picture is to small, sorry -.-