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About Mrrick1102

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. i released this pokemon by mistake, IGN:mrrick1102 sv Silver
  2. I deleted the wrong pokemon, you can restore it to help me, thank you very much ID: mrrick1102 SV: silver
  3. same stuck in vulcan island shore, can u help me :( ig:mrrick1102,last pc canalave
  4. What is your Discord tag? Mrrick1102#4183 How often do you use Discord? Everyday! If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Upadate dex gen 7 and somewhere to catch them :)
  5. MEMBER CATEGORY Friendliest:crazycat73 Most Trustworthy:chinhnm57 Most Missed:btsonbk STAFF CATEGORY Best GM:St4rlord Best CC:Calahan Best MOD:Letrix Best CS:Artoriel Best Artist:Sirmeowington Best Mapper:Skuid Most Professional Staff:Suhuzen Most Friendly Staff:Shaui Most Dedicated Staff:Naero Most Honorable Former Staff:Alaris
  6. NPC Name: MrRick1102 Dialogue: I'm Satan Claus. Give me all your money ^.^ Special Request: 3 Delibird in team
  7. Re: [All Servers] ||PRO|| Monotype Showdown Tour++ <t>Showdown name: ChasunIV<br/> Server: Red<br/> GL&HF :v</t>
  8. Hope i'll get shiny geodude :Cool: :Cool:
  9. IGN:Mrrick1102 Red Server What is the pokemon that is really 108 entities ? Spiritomb Where did Halloween originate from ?Ancient Celtic Harvest festival (Samhain) What type has ghost not yet been paired with ? Normal What ghost is immune to Tynamo ? Golett/Golurk How many Ghost Type pokemon were introduced in generation 5? 9
  10. that's not bug, that how sheer force work :v
  11. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Red is life !</t>
  12. up. any staff can help me, i need give back my pink pokemon :v
  13. but it's 3 week from the last i fight chuck. Can u tell me when staff reset time boss?
  14. Why i can't fight with chuck, arnie and toothless. Any admin can help me?
  15. anyone know pawniard still in feral site or no? if still in feral site, can u tell me what time is pawniard spam?
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