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Everything posted by Partha69

  1. Kommo-o sold in game by @bharath (1cc and 70k)...ty
  2. Kommo o not sold.....if u want i can sell by its price.....ign--partha69 Discord-partha69#3838
  3. Hydration mount will be best.
  4. 650k....and can u say when it will end
  5. Insta sold....can be closed now
  6. Ok massage me in discord or in game... Dc-partha69#3838 Ign--partha69
  7. S.o --800k C.o--1m by Charles94 Min raise-100k,. Accept cc as 400k and reroll -650k/350k 24h auction after start Insta -- 2m 23h left
  8. It should be banned in PvP.......don't want land. +h.a
  9. If min raise 300k....then how can be 2.5m. Huh?
  10. Closed.(time up)
  11. Hello, it's a 55h action after post. S.o --1.5m. Min raise--100k Insta will be added later Payments-- poke dollar ,cc as 400k and rerolls 300k/600k Offer here or ign--partha69 I'll update time here...
  12. No sorry decide now.....insta to come silver....or bid in gold.....I'll not trade if u come after bid end......gl
  13. Ohhh it seems i have to pay 100coin if I again come back to silver.....I wanna buy insta if u can come to silver....if not then nvm. Gl for ur bid
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