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Everything posted by Chameleon

  1. 1. Walk it and save money. You can't have all tutors in one spot and all tutors are far depending on where your starting point is. The tutor being in Safari doesn't change much. Think of it as a move that costs 20k instead of 15k for peace of mind. 2. Yep, team preview is necessary. 3. Yep, whoever thought about the rewards is pretty stingy. We can't spam them continuously, we can only get a reward once every 12 days. At least make it worth the wait. I'm pretty sure no one could care less about a Mystic Water. Zzzzz. 4. It kinda sucks tbh but those bosses aren't really 'musts' and I can see why they want to have MS exclusive bosses (donations). I don't disagree with you, but I don't disagree with the staff's decision about these bosses either.
  2. The "completely ineffective" part is for the speed stat that should be reduced. It's ineffective as the opposing Tentacruel has clear body, which prevents it from having its stats lowered. The "super effective" part is for obvious reasons.
  3. Re: Johto dogs 1month max big problem <r><QUOTE author="Furtifk" post_id="385289" time="1494628729" user_id="264842"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> That's exactly what it is for people who get it on the first go. Where's their effort?</r>
  4. [mention]PreHax[/mention] I've seen both already. Look, I know you're trying to help and I appreciate it but both of these were very recent, whereas the said moves have been a discussion for about a year or so. And that's what I exactly mean by "lack of communication". We shouldn't be "diggin' a bit", they should be out there, more accessible. I'm not flaming anyone right now, this is a sincere suggestion to improve the game. PRO needs better communication. I actually wrote a paragraph about it, but it's off topic so I removed it. If you wanna know, PM me. It's better to discuss off topic matters elsewhere.
  5. Well that's a different topic, but I'll just tell you what I think. Yeah I think that's exactly what it is and it's perfectly understandable. But the lack of communication isn't. Almost no one suggests a fix for VoltSwitch/U-Turn because he told us that it's impossible/hard. I'm not saying he should take his time to view & reply to every suggestion made, but he should at least tell us what is going on with the stuff that everyone suggests such as Poison Jab/Stone Edge/Energy Ball/Focus Blast TMs etc.
  6. Re: Johto dogs 1month max :sadpepe: <r><QUOTE author="Thor" post_id="384814" time="1494546564" user_id="926592"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> So.... What about the suggestion? <br/> <QUOTE author="LinCun" post_id="384826" time="1494548078" user_id="1245451"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Oh okay yeah I didn't think about it this way. Let's remove the whole suggestion subforum then since GMs are smart enough to know what is good for the players already. <br/> <br/> I am still yet to see a reason as to why there is a 12.5% chance (guaranteed if 4 consecutive wins) for the dog to spawn except:<br/> "its supposed to be a challenge. if it was just 'oh, here u go, have a legendary pokemon', what would be the point? u may as well be playing some browser based [Censored] like Pokemon Lake or Volcano or whatever s*** it was called" (quote from Arnie[Thor])<br/> <br/> which makes no sense, because for people who get it the first battle, it's exactly "oh here you go, have a legendary Pokemon" judging by the above quote. 750 hrs + a quest is also a challenge already.</r>
  7. Same childish posts as usual :y: Gotta love how you guys don't appreciate any work being made by staff and keep crying instead. Dunno what do you expect from someone which you're demotivating. Accusing someone of being childish then posting a popcorn picture. Very mature of you, I must admit. Round of applause to you. People appreciate the work being done, the decision to make legendary beasts obtainable was appreciated numerous times on many platforms where admins can see. So were some other changes made to the game. Motivation works both ways. You think players aren't demotivated by seeing their suggestions go to waste? Not even getting a reply from staff members who actually have the authority to implement changes. And I'm not even talking about suggestions which are opinion based (change rarity for example). I'm talking about stuff like Poison Jab, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Stone Edge TMs etc. which people have been asking for for over a year now. Also, you're the 3rd person who chooses to attack people instead of trying to address any argument being made. How different are you compared to the people you criticize?
  8. Why do people think 6x31s are the problem with IV rerolls? Most people who complain about IV re-rolls know that 6x31 is still pretty hard and expensive, so stop mentioning it trying to burn an argument that doesn't exist in the first place. The problem is, it'll be much easier to obtain extremely rare epics (not 6x31s, epics) as long as you have one with the right nature and preferably a few good IVs. Oh and of course, some money to spend. And the other problem is this: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35832#at_Bosschange What changed?
  9. PRO currently has way too many Pokemon that shouldn't exist (botting) as well as currency. Transferring that over to the new game would be a bad decision. I know it sucks to have your progress lost, I have 2k hours myself, but it's the only viable way.
  10. [mention]PreHax[/mention] Well, thanks for your contribution in this topic. Just wanna fix something though, I was unable to explain myself with the "assumption" part. I was meaning to say "I can't assume the re-catching mechanics/quest (w/e) will be satisfactory", my bad. I still appreciate the effort, like I did when dogs were announced, but good effort doesn't always result in a good execution. Have a nice day.
  11. I did not see this before. Thanks for sharing. I don't understand the first post at all and how it benefits him/the game. Care to explain? Also do you sincerely think 750 hours + a quest is "so easy"? Well I can tell you that it's definitely not "oh, here u go, have a legendary pokemon". Why are Mew and Celebi so easy then? Would be fun reading Arnie's thoughts on that. ________________ The same issue was addressed by me several times before. And even though I like Thor's stance about re-catching legendaries, I do not want to speak based on assumptions just yet. Also worth mentioning is the irony right here in the topic you linked, which was just 2 weeks ago: However, soon it looks like you'll be able to IV re-roll, which is worse. And all we've seen from him is defend IV re-rolls. ________________________ Good to know it's fixed. The person had 2 shots at getting his dog, but I won't call it unfair since bugs do happen. He was lucky to spot it. :P However, it was still disappointing to see this even though the mistake was from his side: Glad that he's fixed it rather quickly though, gotta hand it to him. Could've caused a bigger mess.
  12. Yeah "salt". They left no choice. I don't know if it's me overestimating their potential tbh. Also, funny you should say that. Both opposing thoughts in this topic, including your post, are personal attacks rather than any actual reasoning that would render my arguments invalid. Is that anything new or do I get to call you guys "suck ups" or "pets" for it? I gave enough reasons as to why this whole thing (or an important part of it) was disappointing and even tried making it an enjoyable post to read. You guys are actually helping me & this topic by showing your incapabilities and attacking me.
  13. You're free to call it what you want tbh, I won't hold you back. But you don't have to be mad to criticize something. The same way appreciators shouldn't be labelled as "suck ups". I'd say mine's more of a disappointment.
  14. As you may have realized, PRO has now given us the privilege of obtaining legendary dogs. A favor such as this should not be left unappreciated so here are my thoughts. I sincerely congratulate whoever had the brilliant idea of 12.5% chance of getting the legendary dog you want. It also makes perfect sense to only guarantee the dog after 4 consecutive wins because of how awesome PRO servers are. The game was already overly fair with the RNG system, it's been gifting certain players with epic legendaries (now even with h.a.) while some get a total IV count of less than 31, because simply some trainers are more worthy. I was thinking the game could possibly not improve how fair it is, since there was no room to improve, but I was wrong. The game shows us the true definition of "fair" when you see people linking their legendary dogs in chat while you have to wait 44 days, because they were worthy of obtaining their dogs instantly while you weren't. It also seems that some people were able to obtain more than one dog and those who don't release one of them will be banned. I'm sure that this is not a bug and instead, it was an intended feature which further confirms the worthiness of a player. Amazing effort with this. PRO is so awesome to add the aspect of worthiness in the game. I applaud everyone who was involved. Kind regards, Lizard
  15. Re: SiTzei's - PRO - YouTube Channel - LAST VIDEO: DAVID vs GOLIATH @ POKEMON REVOLUTION ONLINE <r><QUOTE author="SiTzei" post_id="383604" time="1494263954" user_id="915791"><s>
  16. Panic. That's all it is. Many Talonflame owners are trying to get rid of their ones in anticipation of the drop in their value and they also start undercutting each other, so the prices keep dropping. While those who don't own Talonflames think they could catch one fairly easily now that they spawn, so they're not quite interested in buying them. So at the moment Supply > Demand. For some people, if not most, hunting a Fletchinder will likely cost (MS+safari+balls) more than it would have if they bought one. People like to gamble, it's in our nature... Just give it time. When hunters start realizing that it's not too easy to find one & when sellers see that, the prices will go up I think and may even peak at some point, higher than how much they costed a week ago, then stabilize. Btw I wanna mention the power of Fletchinder spawn. Blue usually peaked at around 800 people online at a time for the past month or so. Now it's 1,100.
  17. No need. Here; 3.48pm 3.43 pm the next day So it's within the allocated 24 hours.
  18. Yeah and initially people grinded for them. Now all you need is to get the correct nature + ability with a few good IVs and just reroll. You're missing the whole point.
  19. It's what you get for calling it a slave. Should've called it "my helpful partner". Jk, I hope they undo it in no time.
  20. Don't take this personal but so what if you have an epic RU tier Pokemon? The problem is, people with enough money & luck will be able to get OUs or Ubers with those IVs with little to no effort thanks to the changes.
  21. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382643" time="1494083662" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> The odds are (1/31)*(1/31) only if you're calculating it like this: "Given that the first roll is not 31, the other roll is 31".<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Yeah those odds are the ones of getting 31 at the same time my bad. Not a huge fan of probabilities xD<br/> <e> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Don't worry. I saw your initial post almost instantly and started my calculations shortly after. Had to ask around for help or else I would've failed miserably. <E>:Smile:</E> Was a good practice anyway though :P</r>
  22. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382638" time="1494083527" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Viable is a relative term. You could be earning 5k a month, I could be earning 25k a month and could justify spending $180 for a Pokemon. In the end, it still is p2w.</r>
  23. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382613" time="1494082205" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> The odds are (1/31)*(1/31) only if you're calculating it like this: "Given that the first roll is not 31, the other roll is 31".</r>
  24. Re: Upcoming updates DRAMA [POLL] <r><QUOTE author="Frrf" post_id="382602" time="1494081284" user_id="962988"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Correct me if I'm wrong, but...<br/> When you lock 4, you reroll 2. You're rolling 2x 31 sided dies basically. So getting a 31 in EITHER of the two is 1/16. (1-(30/31)^2=61/961=1/16)<br/> <br/> <br/> Let's say you're not lucky, nor unlucky and you get a 31 in one of the 2 slots in 16 tries.<br/> <br/> 16x68 = 1,088<br/> <br/> Now you have one IV to reroll. Lock 5 at the cost of 60c, 20c per reroll, 80c in total. The chance is 1/31 so:<br/> <br/> 31x80 = 2,480<br/> <br/> Add up. <br/> 2,480 + 1,088 = 3,568 coins. Let's say 3.6k coins.<br/> <br/> That's 36x100 coins = $180<br/> <br/> You spend $180 to fix your 4 IV Pokemon considering you're not unlucky nor lucky.<br/> <br/> Again, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm fairly sure this is the right way to do it.</r>
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