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Everything posted by Cleoeo

  1. Yo i buy modest magic guard clefable. I'm interested in protean kecleon too but not enough money atm would you be interested in trade maybe?
  2. 1.6 + 500 pokedollars
  3. 800k gastly
  4. Yo Guys i'm auctionning this magnificent pokemon that i bought 30m in the past and served me loyally for many pvp battles.. Increadibly cheap s.o : 23m !! min bid: 500k accept cc 350k 48 hours from start! Don't miss this crazy opportunity to get ur hands on one of the best shiny goodra there is! Best of luck to you all
  5. Yo Guys i'm auctionning this magnificent pokemon that i bought 30m in the past and served me loyally for many pvp battles.. Increadibly cheap s.o : 23m !! min bid: 500k accept cc 350k 48 hours from start! Don't miss this crazy opportunity to get ur hands on one of the best shiny goodra there is! Best of luck to you all
  6. Hey Guys!! S.o : 13m Insta 20m Min bid 500k 72hours from start Accept cc as 360k and iv rr as 680k Good luck to u all!
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  7. Congrats Duanng7 u won the auction, what server u at? lemme know when we can procede with the sellin
  8. S.o : 2m Min bid: 500k accept cc (380k) and rerolls (680k) end 48h after start
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