I lost two of my pokemons. I probalbly released them without even noticing it. Its Dragonite and Chansey. Unfortunately I dont have ID or ss of any of them.
I dont know if it helps but Dragonite was Lvl 100 with OT - Blaggy, It was Naughty Nature, Multiscale with 31 Speed , 28 Atk. Chansey was Bold Natural Cure with great IVs (25+ on Def, Sp def , HP). Unfortunately dont know OT because i bought it.
I would be very gratefull if you could help me
Thank You
P.S. It possible that my friend im lending pokes for bosses released them. He is not sure either. His ign: Upsetsleepybear
Omg didnt even notice rest of them XD
Thank You very much!