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Everything posted by Brandonman3

  1. U selling or auction?
  2. msg me on discord i just pm you
  3. id like breloom please
  4. idk if you started but start me 3.5.
  5. if youll take 3.5 to start, ill start there.
  6. Im trying to start the baby lugia quest ive talked to the npc several times to go to through the tree but have not beaten the trev. there is no detective and i am unable to get in the event. please fix this,.
  7. Looking for a price check Please send me a pm, thanks.
  8. Please send me a pm, thanks.
  9. I am currently trying to complete the quest for mega gengar, and for some reason i only have 3 pokemon. How can i recieve the two that i am missing?
  10. So i talked to paul in lilycove, i was teleported to littleroot, but there is nothing here for me to do, i have not seen stan, please can you help
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