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Everything posted by Nlyax

  1. Hello would you take 250k for the naive 31/29 electivire?
  2. Wtb lmk price and show
  3. Yes it’s not meant to it’s simply a payment to use the double re roll service for an hour with a maximum of 10 re roll tickets. so ideally to maximise an hour you want 12 tickets 2 used to unlock double re rolls then you use 10 which will be doubled. Again, the 2 you use in the selection of the picture I linked ARE NOT re rolls for your pokemon.
  4. You didn't just pay the 2 rr tickets to access the double rr feature did you? :/ This is purely a payment to access the feature and is not included in your double rr's.
  5. You have to show proof of every bid/start offer bro
  6. 100k
  7. wtb lmk price not looking for anyting crazy like godly/epic also shiny buneary r lopunny any ability + nidoking/evo shiny
  8. trade and auction concluded. Thank you all for your time :)
  9. BUNDLE ONLY- 24 hour auction! C/O 2cc Min bid- 100k Accepted payments- pokedollar + CC at 480k each Timer click link! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5986556
  10. Auction and trade concluded. Thank you all
  11. Auction will last 24 hours from start offer. THIS IS A BUNDLE ONLY AUCTION. C/O 900k Min bid- 100k https://countingdownto.com/?c=5985109 Payment accepted- Pokedollars/CC at 480k ea
  12. Hello, you won congrats let me know when you're online and we will sync up
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