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About Promasterfai

  • Birthday 11/29/2004

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Promasterfai's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Start Chansey(200K) Metagross(150K)
  2. Loved it Sir. Thanks alot for this Guide
  3. HELLO! I Got many Ferroseeds & Ferrothorns which are useable in PVP And PVE These include sassy and relaxed. NOTE: All Pokes Prices are not added and you would offer a better price with which we both agrees these are not to expensive except few Payment Methods: Coin Capsule. (400K) Reroll Ticket. (700K) Nature Reroll. (350K) Masterball. (50K) Contact: You can contact with me in Game or Discord IGN: Promasterfai Discord: REGATO#8330 Disturbed you alot xD lets get's straight to the Pokemons Relaxed SASSY Ferroseed and ferrothorn
  4. 1. PROMasterFai 2. 498 Hours 3. Litwick 4. 18 I Love to do trading in PRO, and due to which I usually have a lot of epic pokes which I can sell for low prices to my guild members. I was once member of New Leaf but due to my inactivity in game I was kicked out but now I have started playing this game regularly and miss this Guild that's why wanted to rejoin it Thanks! Will be waiting for kind words. My Trainers Card.
  5. up
  6. I Will take your's service for Subway Quest and Hoenn And Sinnoh reigion Will be Waiting Thanks
  7. UP!
  8. Accept Items -Coin Capsule 400K -IV Reroll: 700K -Nature Reroll: 350k CONTACT US AT: Discord: REGATO8330 IGN: PROMasterFai
  9. Timid Contray Serperior 30 Speed 31 Sp.atk Accept Items -Coin Capsule 400K -IV Reroll: 700K -Nature Reroll: 350k CONTACT US AT: Discord: REGATO#8330 IGN: PROMasterFai
  10. Faixal#8330 Daily 1-2 Hours Catch various S.Poke Thanks Looking forward for reply
  11. 1.PROMasterFai 2.550 Hours 3.Litwick 4.18
  12. Sure Sorry For Late DM Me discord Faisal#8330
  13. Sorry bro but not possible
  14. 600k i can surely sell sir
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