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Senggolbacok's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 300k skarmory 700k swampert
  2. Is it possible that something that has been purchased can be returned? Rather than the fault being on the buyer's side, there should have been a notification when the item was purchased
  3. Hello there i want buy story service i want crate alt Account buy all service including bike and sub quest how much
  4. Budget can 8m+ max 15m I got in game sory forgot take ss
  5. Buy digersby 1 Buy mawile 3
  6. 3.5m ada
  7. Adaman
  8. 2.5m
  9. 1.5 adaman
  10. Sory i fell asleep . U won
  11. Noted
  12. 13hr left
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