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Everything posted by Excelso

  1. Excelso


    hello, can i ask a question? why can't i use smeargle against boss ?
  2. dear staff, saya mengalami tidak bisa bergerak saat melawan bos, sehingga membuat saya kalah melawan boss, please,
  3. dear gm I lost the mudkip quest and couldn't re-enter. What should I do?
  4. thanks a lot
  5. ok thank you, it work, but why i can't beat mega gengar with store power ? my clefairy lv 45 , its bug ? can u help me sir ?pls i lost
  6. dear GM, im DC in quest darkai, n reset , n i try to castle he said "this castle spooks me" how i go to continue the quest ? (darkai quest) sory mw bad english
  7. can u help me GM ? my azelf are rilised , i win battle nikola but, i can't catch him anymore, he talk "you are ready cought of them, it disappeared". i have melsprit , i got by WQ thank you Thank you very much
  8. No , thank you sir,
  9. Ok, thank you,
  10. dear GM can u help me sir? I lost my entei, I went to Nikola, won but where did the entei appear? I went to the boss guardian no entei there.
  11. dear GM can u help me sir? i lose my entei. i go to Nikola . win but where entei spawn ?
  12. hi, can you send Amoongus's photo? slow internet
  13. dear GM can u help me ? i Lost to Jackson at school, couldn't challenge him anymore and I went north to the viridian in the face of the NPC and said why don't you go and check the school ? what should I do? my id : excelso
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