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Everything posted by Aaryan456

  1. so = 500k min bid =100k insta 2.5mil auction ends after 48 hrs of first bid
  2. TZ clothes =400k Angel ears =200k S. Bisharp clothes = 150k
  3. so= 50k min bid =10k No insta auction ends after 24 hr of first bid
  4. You can MSG me at discord aaryan4528
  5. @Yln won the auction
  6. If bid on last 15 min 15min rule applied
  7. so= 300k min bid 50k insta 1 mil auction ends after 24 hr of first bid
  8. .
  9. So= 600k Min bid 50k No insta Auction end after 48 hr of first bid
  10. @Icycold919 won the auction
  11. so= 100k min bid= 50k No insta auction ends after 48hr of first bid Screenshot 2024-09-29 121630.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 121645.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 121712.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 121957.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122014.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122026.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122104.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122117.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122128.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122200.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122211.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122220.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122630.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122644.png - Shortcut.lnkScreenshot 2024-09-29 122659.png - Shortcut.lnk
  12. Trash lv 90 scyther and electrabuzz
  13. so = 100k min bid 10k no insta ends in 24hr after first bid
  14. closed due to no bid
  15. @Desid00 you won the auction
  16. 7hr and 53min left
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