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Everything posted by Hexy

  1. :Shy:
  2. Hey, :Smile: Today I was reminding myself of the good times I shared with some of you. I just would like to say that I hope one day I'll be with you and play again. I miss you. Take care! :Heart:
  3. Hello everyone, how are you? Tell me the news. It looks like I've been gone for years. Everything is different now. I just would like to say that I wish success to all and that maybe one day I can return and play with you again. :Heart: P.S: Beware of Red and don't let Chappy splashes you. :Crazy:
  4. Thank you for voting for me. :Heart: *Cough*
  5. Entiendo su punto, sin embargo nuestros chats no tienen un idioma predefinido, el hecho es que el Inglés es el lenguaje más frecuente y es también la lenguaje común entre la Staff. Así que es más fácil para nosotros desarrollar el juego y también para que los jugadores se comunican con nosotros y vice versa. Pero eso no impide que cualquiera pueda crear su propio chat.
  6. Hexy

    egg move

    Egg move tutors are not available right now, however they are planned at some point, which is not calendarized though.
  7. It MAY be back soon. I'm not promising though.
  8. Please, press F2 and type in "clearmaps". Then reload the client, it must solve the problem.
  9. So it means you haven't find all of them. Look again.
  10. What's the map name? I assume this is no longer an issue.
  11. What's the map name? If you're referring to Blackthorn PC, it's no longer an issue.
  12. If you're talking about the Blackthorn PC, this is no longer an issue. Resarting your client should fix the problem.
  13. This is no longer an issue. Resarting your client should fix the problem.
  14. This is no longer an issue.
  15. Hexy

    MEGA evo

    I can say that owning or not owning a starter will not be a problem. The rest you'll have to find by yourself.
  16. Try clearing your cache and cookies or resetting the TCP/IP.
  17. Defeating Moltres now has nothing to do with a future quest to catch it.
  18. Hexy

    Game crash

    May be helpful. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2240&p=19609#p19609 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1416&p=18127#p18127 https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1308&p=14097#p14097
  19. You have been moved to your last visited PC.
  20. We do have a filter for swear words in game, however players are frequently by passing it with misspelling and special characters. So, it's not that simple.
  21. This feature has been suggested, but most likely it won't happen. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2962
  22. Battle mechanisms are based on Gen. VI, ORAS to be more precise. Punches are physical moves, you confirm it by passing your mouse over the move name.
  23. You have to be Kanto champion in order to access the Sevii Islands, which means you have to defeat the Elite 4; and have membership too. You can't reach Johto without defeating the Elite 4. Orange Archipelago is being worked on and it's not available for players right now. You have to catch 120 different Kanto Pokemon, each species is different from other. Charizard counts as 1, although if you got it from a charmander then it counts as 3.
  24. As stated several times we're experience hosting issues, although this situation should be sorted out soon.
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