Sadly the serie was cancelled but on February of last year NBC confirmed the new season: Heroes Reborn
About the serie:
[spoil]A year ago, a terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas left the city decimated. Blamed for the tragic event, those with extraordinary abilities are in hiding or on the run from those with nefarious motives.
Two such vigilantes include Luke (Zachary Levi, "Chuck") and Joanne (Judith Shekoni, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2"), who are seeking to avenge a tragic loss.
Noah Bennet, aka HRG (Jack Coleman, "Heroes"), has gone off the grid, but conspiracy theorist Quentin Frady (Henry Zebrowski, "A to Z") finds him and opens his eyes to the truth behind the Odessa tragedy.
While in hiding, some are discovering their newfound skills. Awkward teen Tommy (Robbie Kay, "Once Upon a Time") just wants to be normal and win the girl of his dreams, Emily (Gatlin Green, "Criminal Minds"), but normalcy is virtually impossible after learning of a new ability that terrifies him. Coming from a very sheltered upbringing, a bold and ethereal teenager, Malina (Danika Yarosh, "Shameless"), has been told she is destined for greatness. In Tokyo, a quiet and unique young woman, Miko (Kiki Sukezane, "Death Yankee 3"), is trying to track down her missing father while hiding an extraordinary secret that will make her a force to be reckoned with. Elsewhere, a different type of hero is emerging through former soldier Carlos (Ryan Guzman, "The Boy Next Door").
Meanwhile, Erica (Rya Kihlstedt, "Masters of Sex"), the head of the highly successful tech conglomerate Renautas has an agenda of her own.
For better or for worse, some are fated to cross paths with assorted heroes of the past, including Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka), Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg), Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy) and the Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis), among others. Yet, together, their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world and mankind.[/spoil]
The first two seasons started fairly strong and the story looked promising, but I think the writers strike killed its momentum. Producers took the wrong approach capping it off and making the last seasons rushed and lacklustre, cramming too much into a single episode and glossing over points that could have been major plot points. I think had they had patience to film the Season 5 (Volume 6: Brave new world), the popularity of the show may have been revived because it's an awesome story, but the rushed season finale left me feeling upset. I feel that the new season will revive the old passion of fans of the serie and bring such a good approach as in the first seasons, on the other hand it's sad to know that will not have a continuation from where it was interrupted and that we will not know the future of the majority of the characters, even because after five years many actors of the cast have new projects. But I would like to know what would happen to each one after Claire revealed their secret to the world. Anyway, season 5 is not a continuation of the 4th but it looks promising.
Although everything is good to know that some actors will return. Here's a list of confirmed ones:
[spoil]Jack Coleman as Noah Bennet
Noah Gray-Cabey as Micah Sanders
Greg Grunberg as Matt Parkman
Jimmy Jean-Louis as The Haitian
Masi Oka as Hiro Nakamura
Sendhil Ramamurthy as Mohinder Suresh
Cristine Rose as Angela Petrelli[/spoil]
Official videos released:
[spoil] [/spoil]
:Grin: :Heart-eyes: :Shy: