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Everything posted by Hexy

  1. You might be right, Serena. However anyone should have the ability of posting under Players Introduction, it was changed by accident. :Ambivalent: -This is no longer a problem. Locked.
  2. The minimum 8 posts requirement applies for few sub-forums only. Even members with 0 posts should be able to post under Player Introduction.
  3. This could be a problem with permissions. They have been recently updated, however I see no problem with the sub-forum permissions or with groups of which you are a member. I'll ask a developer to look into, let me know if it's still an issue.
  4. Hexy

    Move Error

    Doduo does not learn Tri Attack, Dodrio does. Locked.
  5. I'm not sure what happened, but it works perfectly for me. Try closing your client and open it again, let me know if it does not work.
  6. It is easier for you to face a Pikachu than a Butterfree or a Beedrill. :grin:
  7. We planned to translate the game content to other languages when PRO began to be developed, so that in the first client versions part of the interface and server messages have been translated into about 5 or 6 different languages. The project got stopped due to constant content changes and other issues that crossed our way. Find people committed and available to translate content whenever necessary may be a problem, but as Gawerty said the suggestion may be considered for the future. Regarding the server status already there's a displayer on the website. Basically if your client says "Can not connect to the server" means it is turned off, otherwise you'll get in.
  8. Glad that it's solved. :pYum:
  9. pkmnlover is right. Using a Pokémon with the frisk ability may be more useful than spending a lot pokeballs. Frisk is coded in; it allows the Pokémon to identify the opponent's held item upon entering battle if the foe is holding an item. Horseas, in almost every map, if not all, has a chance to hold the dragon scale.
  10. nemo appears to be a dedicated player, like many other members of PRO. :Content:
  11. This is common for outdated versions or it could be a problem with the VPS too, as stated before it is a cheap hosting with bad internet for testing only.
  12. I may be mistaken but it looks like the client is not responding, which means it is interacting more slowly than usual with Windows, typically because a problem occurred with the software. Most likely this problem is temporary, and if you choose to wait, the client will start responding again. Depending on the options available, you can also close or restart it.
  13. Can you be more specific about what is happening when you try to connect to the server? Do you get some message?
  14. OldManTwerked and Olman aren't the same person.
  15. Hexy


    See https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1291#p13892 And what about your friend? All accounts were wiped, no exceptions.
  16. Welcome to PRO little boy. <3
  17. As said in other posts we are having issues with map files, so we're enjoying the downtime to fix this issue and improve the server a bit. P.S: Server is back now.
  18. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/search.php?search_id=unreadposts it lists all topics that you didn't read yet and displays the newest ones on the top of the page.
  19. We already have a server status indicator here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/ When game is out downtimes will be announced on the login screen under the latest news tab.
  20. 11. Posting links that are malicious, have adult content with them or anything else not suitable for kids is prohibited.
  21. Welcome back, Scotty. Enjoy your time. :Ambivalent:
  22. You're right. Gym Leaders got changed recently, they no longer give experience, money and EV points and they're also immediately re-challengeable if you lose.
  23. This is the client console, it shows your device resources and a rate of frames processed per second and few other stuff. As notblackjack said, F2 shows/hides it.
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