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Everything posted by Hexy

  1. I'd like to point out that most of the items in pokeballs are trivial items also available on pokemarts, which are very helpful for beginners. Apart from those we have some vitamins and few rare items hidden too, but they are minority and not "obvious" to find. P.S: TMs availability has nothing to do with droppable items.
  2. This is what I meant. :v
  3. Just because someone has a male or female information registered on their profile doesn't mean he or she is necessarily a boy or a girl; although you can check such aspect in-game.
  4. Posting on forums has nothing to do with server connection. If you get a message saying "Your PRO version is out of date", then you need to download the client again from here. If it says "Can not connect to server" means that our server is down due to being worked on.
  5. I don't know what you mean with "Global Link", although all I can say right now is that your question doesn't have a final answer yet.
  6. You can find a waste of time, but at the moment the game is open to the public with the only purpose of find errors and report them, so when it is officially released we'll have a nicer and better gameplay. In the meantime we can also add more game content, fix the storyline, suit spawns and levels and so on.
  7. Thanks. This is fixed now.
  8. Just now I noticed your post, Olman. Thanks for the signature. :Grin:
  9. @Gawerty - Transition between regions is not completely decided yet. If needed the NPC will be changed when everything is sorted out. @Frosty2011 - Vocation: "A regular occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified". The dialogue is correct. @Gawerty - Guide Bob and Dark Cave Entrance should be fixed now. @Zorua - I'll ask someone with database access to fix it. @Enki - Fixed. -Thanks for reporting.
  10. Nuestro programador tiene limitaciones en internet y no puede proporcionar las dos versiones siempre. Pero la versión de 32-bits está disponible ahora. https://pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php
  11. Esto significa que su versión no está actualizado. Usted debe descargar una nueva versión de la página de descargas. https://pokemonrevolution.net/Downloads.php
  12. 1-4 are already in use for hotkeys.
  13. uLDCqu-wu_s
  14. No need to report the same error three times. See https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=486&p=8613#p8613
  15. Hexy

    General Bugs

    @Firesoft and @Juv3 - Sorry for the inconvenience. This should be fixed after the next server reboot.
  16. Very nice work, Olman. I like this one so much. https://i.imgur.com/nxptyFH.png I would like you to add my username on the bottom right or left corner. And for font style I would like to request Maiandra GD or Lucida Calligraphy. Feel free to improvise if something doesn't match. Thank you for your time. :Laughing:
  17. Playing for few hours during 100 days should be enough to earn money for a couple of bicycles, don't you think?
  18. F90Cw4l-8NY
  19. -CDso8qlX1U
  20. Re: Map errors <r><QUOTE author="Pretentious"><s> </e></QUOTE> Fixed.</r>
  21. Have you experienced a memorable moment playing PRO and have a picture or video that you'd like to share with us? :Content:
  22. Re: NPC errors <t>@Juv3 and @Pretentious - Overworld pokémons and berries on Route 16 have been fixed.<br/> <br/> @Lance - Scripts on Ecruteak Stop House 2 and Nurse Joy on Olivine Pokecenter now work as intended.<br/> <br/> I'll ask Content Scripters to look into and fix the other errors. :x89:</t>
  23. Hexy


    It's possible but we want to make the game so much similar to handhelds as possible. Some sales locations can probably be changed according to the surrounding areas, however prices will remain unchanged. Just few features won't work as handhelds due to the game nature, as this is a MMORPG we've to adapt them in order of the game become playable and competitive.
  24. I challenge you to watch the full video. eh7lp9umG2I
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