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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Welcome.
  2. Initiate a battle, either NPC, PvP, or PvM, then logout during the battle to return to a pokecenter. Use this method only in emergencies such-as.
  3. :y: Thank you for this guide.
  4. Unless you are nature sync'ing one, I can just buy you one if you are in the blue server - if you want. \ It sounds as if you are also experienced and if I recall correctly, a possible boss reward is a Tyrogue. Someone may correct me as they do it best. Best of luck on whatever direction you go.
  5. Welcome.
  6. Do whatever you feel most comfortable with - nobody is expecting you to craft a perfect PvP poke for simple PvM. Typically, you can ironman the story with most starters as I have done in most pokemon games and all three regions here, as well. Random, Sturdy throwaways will also be your best friend in battles.
  7. Alright everybody, settle down - simply a suggestion. The idea has been proposed.
  8. Welcome.
  9. Welcome.
  10. :Grin: Here we go! The birds: Mew/2/Typ. X: One of the dogs: :y: Aside from those, many other weird shiny cards alongside light, dark and trainer versions of p'monz. All great condition here almost two decades later.
  11. Very interesting thread :y: ! When I get home later, I will search for my card book I have buried somewhere from so many years ago and take a picture of a couple good ones.
  12. Welcome.
  13. Welcome.
  14. Welcome.
  15. There seems to be alot of scripted events executed and received from and towards only the player. I would imagine it would work similarly where the changes you make to the terrain would appear only for yourself.
  16. Personally, there is nothing more I hate than a wild encounter. At best, there is nothing a shiny level 2 ratatta offers me. In the Gamefreak games I would probly' spend a good half hour using Cut on every square of grass just to avoid all unwanted battles. This was, of course, when I was too cheap and/or ran out of repels. Regardless, I would love to someday see this implemented in PRO as well, someday.
  17. @Title. Personally, it becomes a hassle to log-in each time (for various reasons) when I simply want to read up on a Guide or something else within another board that is not visible without logging in. Any reasoning's for why some content is hidden to Guests, Staff? I could maybe understands a rants area or suggestions or general talk. But Guides?
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