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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Welcome.
  2. Are you using Mobile?
  3. Gyarados probly' 200-300, Karp 300-500. Players pay me more handsomely for Kanto pokemon, especially these, that are great for their first round trip of the E4. The IV's of my h/a ada karp were a bit lesser overall than yours, yet fully trained myself, I still barely peaked 400 - three weeks ago. More and more are jumping on the Moxie bandwagon, unfortunately. Good luck.
  4. Welcome aboard bud.
  5. Re: Get Free Bisharp + Torkoal + Rare Candies <t>Please provide text under the video like your other guides for those of us who prefer that. <br/> <br/> Thank you, regardless. Helped me a couple times.</t>
  6. Page 1'd. Only one spot left, if I recall correctly.
  7. Or, remember your status from the last session. :y: Supported.
  8. A shiny charmander - everyone would want you.
  9. What I usually do is make one within Pixlr.com (free, limited, version of Photoshop essentially) then upload it to Imgur.com, then use the Direct Link. Use .gif rather than .gifv as that's it's default. Good luck.
  10. Just a Mew :Frown: .
  11. You may have better luck with the forums designed specifically for trading if you scroll down the boards a bit further.
  12. There is usually a queue that shows up on login that you are placed in. As soon as the counter drops to 0, you are in. Should it not show up, we call it ghost queue. Restart your client and it should show up then - may take a couple tries. After restarts, the server usually becomes much less crowded. Do bear in mind this is summer vacation for many who were in school for the year prior and also a Monday afternoon (for me, anyways). So traffic will be high.
  13. Welcome. Firered was my favorite too. Leafgreen was my sister's. Sometimes, when nobody was looking, I'd trade with myself with the fancy GBA cable - only had one wireless adapter, at the time.
  14. Welcome.
  15. Thank you for this guide - looking forward to more forum guides, as well :y: . Tinypic is another one I used to use many years ago and still holds up today for even the most rookie coders.
  16. Honestly, there is nothing I would personally change nor can suggest about your Vulpix. Is it one of the, if not the, best Vulpix I have seen within Blue to date. Nicely done :y: .
  17. Welcome.
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