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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Welcome.
  2. Re: Anon's Shiny Yard Sale <t>3 more Shiny added.</t>
  3. Welcome. Just in time for Hoenn. - Your Ava/Sig are funny and neat.
  4. Hello, Bryan! Excellent introduction. I have seen you around a few times in-game, more so here on the Forums. I would love to have you join. :y:
  5. Soon, young grasshopper, soon.
  6. Re: (06/12/16) Anon's Yard Sale: [18] Shiny [6] Poke [0] Item <t>3 Shiny added.</t>
  7. Re: Anon's Shiny Yard Sale <t>1 Shiny added, 1 Shiny sold.</t>
  8. 40k - I could use one. Any higher bet, it's theirs.
  9. Re: Anon's Shiny Yard Sale <t>3 Shiny's added.</t>
  10. I replied with an answer to your thread you made yesterday, no?
  11. No thanks bud; not down for this - Not interested in being spited by a handful of users half my age, ruining my gameplay and my account just because I do not sell or buy something at their dictated prices. Clearly this is just an extremely plausible, hypothesized example.
  12. Yep', highfive to the team - Excited for Hoenn.
  13. Welcome.
  14. Bought.
  15. Re: Anon's Shiny Yard Sale <t>1 Shiny added.</t>
  16. Closed.
  17. Have you already gotten the pokemon, perhaps?
  18. Welcome to PRO, Bernie Sanders.
  19. I'll start you off at 90k.
  20. Both parties should take screenshots of each trade when doing a dex service to avoid any conflicts. I suppose it is nice you mad this thread, OP, but you could also find his user and message him as he would see it easier.
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