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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. man thats unlucky it would have been the best absol in the game if the nature was right
  2. hey guys i tried to go for darkai but i got killeed by one of the bisharps defending him since then they wont let me go in the castle to fight him again, what shuld i do?
  3. how is it epic ? he has the rong nature and 23 attack?
  4. hey guys i relesead my landrous by mistake and i dont know how to get it back
  5. you won leonardosenpai contact me when you comm online
  6. damn girl did i just read that right ? 12.5 mill?
  7. noted
  8. noticed
  9. noticed
  10. noticed
  11. _c.o: 350k _min bid 50k _over in 48h
  12. start rotom 100k
  13. wtb a choice band bro
  14. bump
  15. nothing
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