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  1. Trade complete, close thread pls
  2. Hi I accidentally released by Breloom please help.. IGN: daftgenius, silver
  3. Oh alright.. I thought it was the same because I've never done the Xmas event, yet it shows that I can buy the tms So I thought eumi tokens were not stacking
  4. Yes it's daftgenius
  5. Hi, Thank you for responding. I just checked and it still shows that I can't buy items worth 100 Xmas coins..
  6. Need help delevelling gurdurr please. IGN: daftgenius Server: silver
  7. Hi, I beat tigerous twice and he gave 50 eumi tokens both times.. but it says I have only 50 now.. I should have 100.. does anyone know why?
  8. Hey guys, Would be great if you could code these two moves...
  9. If possible please add moon to transit pass. Having to pay 15k agin after 300k pass seems too much.
  10. Delevel request: In-game name: daftgenius Server: silver Pokémon ID: 46218010 Koffing didn't prompt for evolution when I used rare candies
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