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About Chaos23

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

Personal Information

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  • Career
    Production Manager
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  • Occupation
    Saudi arabia

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Chaos23's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Everything is ok better to have ranks like bronze silver gold and fix the match making to certain rank like bronze vs brone or silver silver vs silber and gold gold vs platinum Plat above can vs all the top ranks diamond and so on
  2. is sceiptle available?
  3. Issue resolved please close this topic
  4. Kindly help, now my party is empty but when ever i try to use pokemons from pc or release the dark releam pokes its telling me cannot release battle ready po
  5. Just to update furthur i sacrificed escape roping the dark releam to check if muna still in my dex, i was outside in pc without pokes and when i try to release muna or other pokes it showed me below message
  6. MY IGN : chaos23 My server Gold My issue dark releam no pokes so um i got my darkrai quest resetted , i have battled alucard and won i got sent to dark releam right after going there i got the issue that i have no pokes i could not see muna or growlith also if i log out of game i lose 1 trial time
  7. Sorry i managed to go to dark releam but there is no pokes at all
  8. Hey , thanks for the reply…. i have beaten alucard twice but hes kicking me into pc instead of darkrai fighting me
  9. HI im trying to contact you on discord
  10. Communication : Discord : Chaos23#0444 IGN: Chaos23 Accepting: Pokédollars Coin Capsule - 400k Masterball - 50k Rare Candy - 5k - Trained Pokemons - - UN-Trained Pokemons -
  11. UP
  12. UP
  13. can we please get an answer?
  14. HI, so ive lost to darkrai and i got kicked out so i need to reset i tried battling horon but its not working im not getting to battle him.... can i know the reason?
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