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Everything posted by Xavier2407

  1. @Fenermania Auction starts today 19th September 12am GMT+2 End after 72h from start (22nd September 12 GMT+2 so it ended 5hours before you bid it
  2. Wts pokes shown below, S.o 100k min bid 25k (for all pokes) Auction starts today 19th September 12am GMT+2 End after 72h from start (22nd September 12 GMT+2 accepted payments rc: 7,5k cc: 380k bms: 190k iv rr: 700k rotom c.o 250k zoroark c.o 125k chansey c.o 225k clefairy c.o 125k banette c.o 100k
  3. restore my poke at silver server: Kabuto id: 54398596
  4. Please restore my pokemon: Parasect 86lvl id: 52339958
  5. Yes I can connect but I am now at canalave
  6. I just logged in and saw that Barry is at the bridge what should I do
  7. I don't remember the location, I was going to magma hideout after the 6th badge, (about 1 hour earlier I went to the event map to see what it looks like,) I used the escape rope because I chose the wrong way to magma hideout, and at the event I only talked to aero airlines and a nurse
  8. I used escape rope nearby mt pyre after 6th badge in hoenn and I was teleported to Cavalone with all pokes, I fought a barry 3 times and had a different last pokemon each time and after that I could across the bridge and I talked with sailor and I could only go to the iron island , and before a while 23:18 UTC+1 I look and I see that I haven't any pokes in team and I go to pc and I have locked pokes from hoenn in box. (Silver Server)
  9. Add garden in our house in start location in each region. In the garden we could plant and harvest berry, to farm specific berry, it will be for example 15 or more pot for berry.
  10. is it possible to remove my account at gold server or replace my venusaur 17lvl with charmander 5lvl random nature and iv (cause I chose bad poke, I mean it would be good for me)
  11. i would like to see an auction system in the game where you could sell pokemon (for example after getting 4 badges like in Kanto). There will be categories to search by move types, levels and legendary. There would be an option to buy now and bid.And money for sold poke/ unsold poke we could recive at mailbox. Sorry for my English.
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