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About Iampvp

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. Hey guys I am leaving pro due to some unavoidable circumstances and my IGN :Iampvp I had good time in the 3 seasons I played participated in ladder tourneys had fun .... Anyways not too long time i played I got the accounts as a gift from my earlier friend who left pro for his career and i started playing on a new alt of his just untouched from pvp i got almost all pvpable mons except legends had fun in pvp and after all pro meta is weird Anyways what i tend to tell is i donated my 3 accounts Iampvp, Yashashwi, Yashashwi200 to Ta7esh currently Predators leader so he can do anything with the account he wants and u can chill out with me on discord Oneisboring#7372 Thank Q
  2. Ign : Iampvp Sd name : Naman200 Server : Silver Timezone : GMT + 5.5 Rank : 19
  3. Hello dm me in discord Iampvp#7372 we might be able to find a common time then
  4. impish 2 (08 atk one) 350k
  5. Ign : Iampvp Server : Silver Timezone : +5.5
  6. ofc im not a fool to do solaceon for whatever time limit u said and moreover im using only what i have i catch those legends but if they are not good i better make team without them and if u want nice legends why not just win summer tournament or ladder tournament are they made for just a showcase? whats their use if u get legendaries as easy as possible?? still its a -1 from my side
  7. What u said is certainly fine but actually rerolls = economy if everyone have good legendaries whats the use of ladder tournament summer tournament and stuff? They are then useless and moreover its ur mind actually how u think abt making a team wont lie but i have only a keldeo in game and thats too way bad spd -23 and just 26 spatk with not so good defenses but that still worked great and in my first season i was without legendaries. To be honest i myself need some good legends but sadly if u just have to play perfect ivs then pro is not the platform u must move showdown i too do when i want to play perfect ivs. Just imagine no rerolls = no economy 1st They are the fastest way of making money 2nd Not so hard to get we got solaceon quest for that and u can buy them for pvp coins 3rd This game has two aspects pve + pvp. A pve player will do pve without any reason but a pvp players actually do that stuff just to grind some money and pve coins. Certainly if there is no need to reroll legends u dont need any money u can hunt every other mon this surely neglects pve part of this game although i dont do it myself ........ Ending the convo i say a -1
  8. Player name : Iampvp Showdown name : Iampvp Server : Gold Timezone : GMT + 5.5 Rank : 10
  9. What's your IGN?: Iampvp How old are you? 19 What is your discord I'd? Iampvp#7040 Whats your goal in pro?: Participate in ladder tournament .. What was your highest rating in last 3 seasons: Played 2 seasons only my max - 400 smthing Why did u choose predators?: Already dm'ed Guild island is your main aim to join us? Free stuff is good but not solely for this Moving to silver next month .....
  10. in my opinion its a big tournament and it will take 7 days atleast cz all people have different time management and schedules + timezone etc so its better be 7 days time as earlier
  11. very good idea
  12. -1
  13. i got it the mushroom on the tree stump worked thanks fo rthe support this can be closed now
  14. i think no i didnt but to be more clear ccan u provide an ss where is it or just a preliminary idea around where it can be
  15. got the same set again when i tried it from start and i intercted to the stone table at first before starting it but im not teleported to the boss
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