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Posts posted by Hisoka007

  1. @Hawluchaa the auction ended and @LongHack won the 4day auction, he bid 8m5 in last 1min so i added another 15min .. he asked me to wait 1hour for selling his cc's then he said come verm he has 8m and i'm in verm waiting while he's not trading with me and telling me to wait to sell his cc's, it's been 15min for me now waiting him, and he already have cc's to pay with? is that allowed idk



  2. for some reason every time i use with substitute infront of a any move that has low accuracy the move never miss and almost 99% hits my sub, i tried this in more than 10 battles over the past months

    for ex: if i sub with keldeo infront of ferrothorn .. ferro almost never miss a power whip .. out of 20times she only miss once.. and infront of toxicroak i was using sub keldeo, toxicroak landed 9 gunk shots in a row, idk what's wrong but it feels like there's something fishy about the acc almost never miss.. like happened 2times out of +40 tries .. it's so stupid tbh .. just please check if there's something wrong in the code when it comes with this thing with the accuracy infront of subs .. thanks

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