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Everything posted by Puzzler

  1. Hello Berkeley, I reviewed your case and just as Norex said you fainted once, so you didn't qualify for the reroll ticket. Have a good day!
  2. Hi @DjTrainerxqt The problem has been solved! Please reply to this message if you still have issues. Cheers, Puzzler
  3. Hello Frozen2204! Your issue should be fixed now. If you keep having trouble reply to this message. Have a great day!
  4. Nice! Wish you the best with your resolution . Mine is creating new and enjoyable content for everyone Cheers and happy new year to all PRO players!
  5. Hello CitizenPete! I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the delay. Your Issue should be fixed now, and you should be able to do the underground battle again without any problems. Have a nice day, Puzzler
  6. Hello Pachistar! The bug you encountered should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting it! Have a nice day.
  7. Hello @ALUCARDHB! I just reseted the last part of your quest. You can go back to Mayor George and claim your quest rewards! Have a nice day, Puzzler
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