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  1. congrats u won! tell me where to meet up for the trade
  2. Ending in about 4hrs!
  3. Noted, countdown timer added
  4. https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20241202T1734&p0=337&msg=Clefable&font=serif&csz=1 Welcome to my auction! Hereby I am putting my epic h.a calm Clefable for sale. Duration of auction: 24hrs after start (timer will be added). Start offer: 1M Min bid: 200k NO INSTANT PRICE! Accepted payments: Pokedollars Coin Capsules (430k each) CONTACT: IGN: Kleine Discord: ghost_ain
  5. 600k
      • 2
      • Like
  6. This my Discord: IanNull#0047
  7. 120k kommo
  8. You can use your alt account as a 'bank'. You put all of your money on that account while playing on your main, so you dont have money to lose. When you're done battling you can put your money on your main again. Or you indeed force exit the game, you wont lose money if you do that.
  9. Battle bond shouldn't be banned in the first place tho
  10. Ngl that would be cool
  11. Kleine


  12. You know that if you are gonna spam the reports section that it's gonna get YOU consequences right? It's way easier and faster to just ignore a player who is begging you, if half of the players do that, eventually they will stop begging. Also, like @Norex already said; this has already been denied, nothing you can do about it. But like I already said, ignoring a person is just 2 clicks away. Have a blessing day.
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