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Everything posted by Qutlu

  1. did you started?
  2. @Nyssa98pls meet me in game
  3. and @Hawluchaacan you please help me about my bug thread i cant play pro right now cause of a bug
  5. actually i bid 6 min left so you cant or i want to take back my offer Okay so i want totake back my offer you cant add additional time whenever you want
  6. 1.4m
  7. moderators king of games please help me wq started
  8. Hello i was doing legendary bird quest and after i won against lawrence i forgot to find lightning orb(zapdos orb) but i got other 2 orbs (fire and ice) now icant go back to lawrences ship and i cant leave shamouti island so i stucked here can you help me i can start over the mission
  9. i think i deserve a nature reroll
  10. Hello when i caught my darkrai its nature is timid(in the channel automatically appears when caught a pokemon) how ever i didnt used a nature reroll ticket but when i take my poke from pc its nature seems different from my caught one.Please help me it has 31 special attack i want to use it timid not sassy
  11. when will quest end?
  12. I didnt understand so i get the mount yesterday what should i do now
  13. where is nikola boss
  14. i swear i didnt do that on purpose i am just unlucky about my wifi connection
  15. i attacked him accidentally after that i have connection lost then i went back to take sycnh poke when i came back darkrai is not there please help pleaseeeeeee i am so despereate
  16. Hey guys i missclicked before i get sync poke for darkrai then i got connection lost after i went darkrai its not at there please help me i spent 4 hours to do mission and i have nothing please help me
  17. i did 2 times but is that cost 60k
  18. i didnt change region and i didnt do subway mission
  19. Hello guys since this morning i lost every 10 or 15 min i lost 10k i have 340k sine this morning and now have 260k can you look at my purchasing history and please be quick
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