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Everything posted by Fec

  1. 250k conkeldurr 1.4m dnite
  2. WTS Serperior Contrary, HP Fire Timid 16 ATK 27 DEF 26 SPD 30 SPATK 07 SPDEF 25 HP S.O. 100k min bid: 100k Insta: 20m Auction end: Saturday 7th of December 23:59 GMT/UTC Accepted Payments: CC @ 400k, IV Reroll @ 500k
  3. did everything like mentioned in the description and still lost with -4. not sure why exactly if ev/iv dont matter
  4. 19.5m
  5. 18.5m
  6. 17.5m
  7. 16.3m lopunny
  8. 15.5m lopunny
  9. 13.5m lopunny
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