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Everything posted by Polteageist

  1. @wassuppuipui, The bid on your first volcarona is void. As there is no proof posted of the player making that bid. I Have hidden all invalid bids. Next time please show proof of all completed trades for all forum sales. Good Luck, Polteageist.
  2. Hello, All off topic comments have been hidden. I apologize for the inconvenience. To clarify the the max of 4 coin capsules. It means the auctioneer is only accepting a max of 4 coin capsules total at 390k each in terms of payment so if bids go above his determination of price of the coin capsules another form of payment needs to be used. Good Luck, Polteageist.
  3. @willf @Rookiez, You were warned before to use the report button if there is an issue If you continue to comment on the thread there will be harsher consequences.. @PreHaxx you have 24 hours to pick up the pokemon or there will be harsher consequences. All off topic comments have once again been hidden. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  4. Hello @Alikhan111, The trade has been forced. I have traded 450k to your account and the pokemon to @MilkCoffee. Can you both confirm? Sincerely, Polteageist.
  5. Hello @SaKsHii, I have locked this thread. In the future Please post evidence of your trade and change your topic to close, or sold etc. So we know that the pokemon has been sold. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  6. Hello @Xxtenctationxx, Your title has been updated as it is considered misleading as not all stats are 20 plus. I Have changed the title to 10+ you can change if you wish as long as the title is not misleading. Please keep in mind General trade rules specifically the rule listed below if you do decide to change the title. 4. When advertising a sale, ensure that any additional descriptions are accurate. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/29538-forums-and-in-game-general-trade-rules/ Here are the general trade rules for your reference if you have any further questions. Good luck in your auction Sincerely, Polteageist.
  7. Hello, All off topic comments have been deleted. Next time if you can't get ahold of the seller please use the Report button. Please refer to our trade rules if you have any questions. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/ Sincerely, Polteageist
  8. @klammerchen, Please remember that you need to provide screenshots of all ingame bids. That bid is void and the last valid bid is 1.8 mil by @willf. I have hidden the other bids as they were no longer valid. Sincerely, Polteageist
  9. @YASHBOSS21, You can't withdraw your bid once you have placed it. You will be punished accordingly I have hidden your post current Valid offer is by Sympatoche at 1.2 million. Good Luck with the Auction. SIncerely, Polteageist.
  10. Hello @proktorikos69, Your pokemon has been moved to the proper subforum, Shiny and Special Pokemon-Gold. If you are auctioning this Pokemon I would recommend using our auction template listed in https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/119709-forums-and-in-game-auction-rules/. If you are just looking for offers I would recommend specifying that. Good luck in your sale, Polteageist.
  11. Hello @Yanis1699, Your topic has been moved to the proper subforum. All event and shiny forms got to Shiny and special subforum Gold for Gold server, Silver for Silver server, Or Cross server if you wish to sell it in both servers. Good Luck with your Auction, Polteageist.
  12. Hello @R1ngo, Your posts have been merged as you can only have one active thread at a time in each subforum. Good luck on your auctions. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  13. @autobots, You need to be the one that transfers and picks up the pokemon as this is not a cross server auction. If you do not transfer your bids will be considered invalid and void. @gooncracker8001 please provide evidence of when the trade is completed. Have a great day, Polteageist.
  14. The auction has ended and the winner is ancot with 2.1 million. I will be forcing this trade. @HiddenMew I have transferred the money to your account can you confirm? @ancot I have transferred the pawniard to your account can you confirm. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  15. @HiddenMew @SiegDragun, The trade was done to soon so it has been reversed. The auction will continue for 12 hours from this post the current leading bid is 1.9 million by @Pitroipa. To help keep track you can hover over the time of my post with your mouse and it will tell you exact time it was posted. Good luck with the auction. Polteageist.
  16. Hello @BEEFF @Rawlpaws, Rawlpaws is the winner his bid was posted within the valid time frame of the auction and would have extended 15 min after that post which has now past. Please post evidence of the completed trade. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  17. Hello @Optidexto, You need to clarify your title as it is misleading. It is not all 20 plus. Secondly according to rule #2 in our auction rules. 2. All bids must be acknowledged, and all current/best offers must be publicly announced with the bidder's username and bid amount. - Forum: This applies to every in-game bid received, and must be acknowledged in the auction thread with a screenshot. Timestamps are preferred. › This does not apply to bids received on the forum. › Bids made on Discord are not valid or accepted. - Accepting known false bids (from alternative account, friend, guildmate, etc) is prohibited. Failing to do so could end in Harsher punishment. Good luck in your auction. Sincerely, Polteageist
  18. This rule means don't bump your post immediately after creating it. Please remember for the future. Please keep the comments auction related. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  19. @HiddenMew please remember you can only bump your post once every 24 hours. See below listed rule. 6. Do not excessively bump your post - Forum: May be bumped a maximum of once every 24 hours, including after the post has been created. good luck, Polteageist
  20. Hello @messijohn, You need to be clear in your start post what payments are acceptable and value of those in your post when posting a pokemon to sell. I have hidden all non valid offers and your clarification post. Please clarify your initial post with the accepted tender and value of each item such as cc, reroll and nature reroll. As no one has offered to buy it at this time. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  21. Hello @BluzeGG, Please remember to post all evidence of your trades at the end of your auctions. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  22. Hello @ryxnmarc, Please remember for future Auctions to provide proof of your trade. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  23. Hello @NUNONITROX, Please remember in future auctions to provide proof of your trades after the auction is completed. Sincerely, Polteageist
  24. Hello @DrakuGamerxD, Please remember to provide proof of finished trades at the end of auctions. Sincerely, Polteageist.
  25. Hello @Rubens5, Please remember to post the winner of an auction and proof of ingame bids when you do a forum auction. Sincerely, Polteageist.
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