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Everything posted by Lyfr

  1. alakazamite quest in pacifist thing
  2. ill buy the impish valentine volbeat, pls pm me in discord> Lyfr#4397
  3. Collection sold to Ziiviagiicz, ty.
  4. Welcome to this post, as you saw in the title, i have a full collection that i want to sell. Photos and info below. If you're interested or need more info, you can talk to me via: Discord: Lyfr#4397 PRO(in-game): Lyfr Here in forum OR Post a comment .NOT SELLING TO GOLD SERVER PLAYERS UNLESS YOU TRANSFER TO SILVER. The price is: 4m (4.000.000 pokedollars) Payment methods: <Pokedollars.> <Coin Capsule: 400k> <IV Reroll Ticket/Nature Reroll Ticket: 700k and 350k respectively> <Rare candy: 7k> <Choice Scarf: 100k each (max 5)> <Choice Specs: 60k each (max 5)> <Choice Band: 60k each (max 5)> <Rocky Helmet: 150k each (max 5)> <Assault Vest: 120k each (max 5)> Mounts in the inventory Photos of the Mounts in general Espeon Flareon Glaceon Jolteon Leafeon Sylveon Umbreon Vaporeon Photos were taken in Floaroma Meadow and Sootopolis City respectevely.
  5. yes your right this massive boost could be a little bit broken, as you say trainers gives way more pokedollars but i think it would be good to be in-game with limitations because its just that it could be funny to have a pokedollars boost besides ms, maybe a limit on how many you can buy every week or instead of 500% make it 300% or add a cap like you said. Considering a Coin Capsule is worth 400k generally, 5 coins would be worth 20k, as i know, you can get up to a max of 5k of pokedollars with a trainer battle so with a 500% pkdlrs boost(not counting the MS boost) it could be a little op because u could get 25k in best cases and its not the idea. I think that just reducing the boost, battles it work, or limited on how many you can buy in a week for example, is enough. comparing prices with the actual economy, a full ev train service could go between 25k to 50k, 10 coins are worth 40k if we suppose a CC is worth 400k and this item would give 252 EVs in only one stat so that means you would need 80k in order to fully ev train a pokemon instantly, it can also fail because normally people wnat its 500 EVs in only 2 stats, not 3, and it doesnt work for pokemons that needs a more specific ev train so i think its a good item for users that wants to use a pokemon asap or to give a useful ev to a pokemon before start lvl training it, i dont think it could hurt the economy that hard and i also decided to make the item not tradeable so it doesnt bother to ev trainers in trade chat. less money drained from each player is a reality yes, and maybe it has a lot of uses, i think it could be a good one with 5 uses because its a fast traveling that normally lots of users might need in emergency for any case, but i decided to put cooldown and no night time use for making it more limited to use, and we have to take in count that train ticket exist, the ticket can actually save you without any doubt like 1m in travels during a month depending on how much you play yes i know that its almost an impossible thing and thats why i typed it in a separated section of the post, but i dont think its that bad. it shouldnt work with a filter, it should be checked with a mod because as you say its impossible to make a filter that works 100% perfectly i thought on a limited stock every 2 weeks and that the item could ONLY be used 5 times in a whole week by the server users. I think that the thing that only people who has donated to the game are able to buy and use this is a massive player filter that will help a lot i dont think that, in worst cases, 10 messages in 2 weeks would be a real problem, theres a lot of time in 2 weeks, a lot of different time zones with all the players that play the game so if a player wants for it to be a message that reach the most people, it will think at least 3 times about it before sending something. But i think your right about the last thing, global messages should be used only to promote important info. your right the ditto would just cause chaos. not many comments about this. also seems like a nightmare to code and not a good idea at all, it would just get mods and maybe devs more work to do whe one is used. i thought on making it expensive because of this but its a bad idea afterall.
  6. your right now that i think of it a little more 25/10 times is a lot, ill change it
  7. It happens a lot to me that for some reason i manage to only have 5 coins left in my shop after buying things, and its a little disgusting to see sometimes, not a really big problem but well, lets go to the point. While i was seeing my 5 coins left and thinking, i thought on some possible new items that i would like to suggest that are low cost and some other mad ideas that went to my mind that at least i think are worth to mention, all related to shop items. I know that some of them might be very bad ideas or extremely hard to code, specially the last ones, i didnt think a lot about details and possibilities to the items like unbalanced or broken things, just like 15 minutes to each one of them and i wanted to put everything i thought of here before i forget it. So, stop talking and lets start with my ideas, please suggets any change that you might think its necesary to the items if for some reason they existed in the game and lets try find a way to fix them to be perfectly balanced or worth to buy as a last resource. Black Medalion Shard - 5 Coins cost "A shard of a Black Medalion that seems to still have a little of its power left" 20%+ chance of finding wild pokemons with its hidden ability for the next 5 battles. OR 20%+ chance of finding a wild pokemon with its hidden ability for the next battle. 5 uses. Meowth's Fortune - 5 Coins cost "A Meowth seems to like you so it will look for extra pokedollars while you are battling!" 500%+ more pokedollars obtained for the next 5 battles. Only works with regular trainers and wild pokemon battles, effect will not go away if you run away of one or surrender. This item is not tradeable. Joy's Medkit - 5 Coins cost "This Medkit is perfect and it has everything that you need, ¡you can heal your own pokemons now!" Automatically heals your entire team just after the end of your next 10 battles. This effect will still be activated even if you run away of a wild pokemon battle. OR Heals your entire team. 3 uses. Can't be used while in battle. Safari's Special - 10 Coins cost "A meal made for pokemons that is said to make pokemons very strong" Raises 252 EVs of a random selected stat between 3 of your election. Example: I choose HP, DEF and SPDEF. The 252 EVs will raise in one of those stats. This item is not tradeable. Lost Feather - 5 Coins cost "A feather that seems to be from a Pidgeot. You feel like a bird is watching you, and it wants to go on adventure!" Lets you travel to any city of any region that you are champion of from anywhere. 10 uses. Cant be used if you're not champion of Hoenn league. Cant be used during night. 6 in-game hours cooldown. Not suspicious rock - 10 Coins cost. "Its just a rock and doesn't looks suspicious at all. For some reason, the strongest trainers tends to hate this rock." Your next wild pokemon encounter will have a 100% chance to get its nature synchronized. 3 uses. Cant be used with spawned pokemons. Cant be used with pokemons given by bosses. This item is not tradeable. Copyrock - 20 Coins cost. "A ditto has stayed on this rock for days, thats all you know" Select an item from your bag and transform this Copyrock on the item selected. Cant be used on items acquired from Shop, PvE coin shop, PvP coin shop or special items rewards from bosses. Magical Ribbon - 1 Coin cost. "This ribbon is very popular for making gifts. You dont understand why is a ribbon." Select an item from your bag and make a gift with it inside, then put a custom name to it, the Magical Ribbon will then be consumed. The gift can be used anytime to be opened. This item is not tradeable. (The Magical Ribbon) Thats all for the low cost items that are the main reason of why i do this suggestion. Now another 2 items that are pretty much a joke, but i think that they deserve a chance to be added to the game. Mega Necklaxe - 50 Coin cost. Not tradeable. "A mysterious neclaxe that seems to have some powerful connection with your mega bracelet" Allows both you and your opponent mega evolve more than once during a battle. Only works in friendly battles. Only works once you have acquired 15 or more mega stones. Cant be acquired if you dont have a mega bracelet. Z Necklaxe - 50 Coin cost. Not tradeable. "This neclaxe makes Z stones bright stronger when they get close to it" Allows both you and your opponent use Z-Moves more than once during a battle. Only works in friendly battles. Only works once you have acquired 8 or more Z-stones. Cant be acquired if you dont have Z-stones. (for z-moves when it gets in to the game) Just mad ideas from now on, that are just absolutely impossible or just innecesary in my opinion. Its not necessary for you to keep reading now. Thanks for reading, try to make suggestions too and ill try to add all the good ones to the post! I would love to see at least a couple of these items, cause i think it would be a little more fun for the game and maybe improve economy but not very sure of this last thing.
  8. PM me in Discord if you're interested -- Lyfr#4397 I only accept offers
  9. I accidentally released a mawile, if possible i want to restore it, ty, here is a screenshot of its id ID: 56390959 it has adamant nature and intimidate ability if i remember correctly my ingame nickname is: Lyfr server: silver
  10. The suggestion is simple to understand, a way to view other players battling in real time and a new icon in the battle interface that shows how much players are currently viewing the battle, also i think a good idea might be to also add an extra button in ranked/unranked queue to watch players battling right now, and an option to not allow other players watch your battles.
  11. Lyfr


    +1 seems to be the right thing that if your pokemon is fainted, then it will just stay in pokeball, not walk camly and without any problem with you then just the next one will walk with you or, not any pokemon following you at all, also, may be a good idea to add the option to not allow pokes to follow you, so they just dont do it at all until you put a check in the option again.
  12. Its obviously a +1 from my side but you have to keep in mind that even 2v2 battles are not implemented yet, but even with that i wish that there was a thing that can be done with friends/guild members and get more rewards because of that or something related.
  13. -1
  14. +1 A very interesting and kind of funny thing can be done with this, for first i can think of a whole list of bosses like in pokedex with a shadow/black shape like its undiscovered/locked, and when you fight it, depending on how many times you defeated it you can check its info in your "journal" to see the remaining cd, its location, the pokes that he can reward and some other things. But this is just a random idea, it has A LOT of posibilities and ways to make it enjoyable and very useful.
  15. Lyfr


    +1 I dont like having to go to discord bot to inspect my player so then i can know how much time of MS i have left, there should be a way to know it in-game. I would also like one to know time left for subway pass/train ticket but there is an npc for that already so, idk if it would be a good idea for this last thing.
  16. -1 I dont think a rework or more rewards are a good thing for the Sinnoh Undergound "mini-game", you can sync a fossil daily and also get a free fossil, which is very useful considering that the only way to sync a fossil besides this is having 6000 discovery points in excavation and at least 17.5k money, also you get some pve coins and things like pearls, tiny mushrooms, nuggets or big mushrooms sometimes that are actually worth some money. Maybe it needs some adjusts like making it possible to always have a chance to get to the treasure room, because its not rare getting the same clue twice, thrice or even 4 times the same clue, at least not for me and its pretty disgusting. Or just having a higher chance to get a good clue when the NPC's ask for items like stardust or wants to see a Roggenrola which is tier 8 down there. Theres a little good things about this minigame that its useful and not everyone knows, like for example, even if you dont have 2k(which is the fee entrance), you can enter anyway. Also, you can bring pokemons from your pc to the sinnoh undeground to avoid hunting for a roggenrola, lunatone, or solrock for example, so its not that bad.
  17. Bump
  18. Uploading the images again because for some reason cant be seen properly in the post.
  19. Pokemon Doctor Tasks are pretty much useless. The rewards that you may get are not a good things very often, im not asking for putting things like larvitar, jangmo-o, cutiefly or things like that. The pokemons that u can get are very often not good, also, when you get to the highest rank theres a chance to be able to cure starter pokemons from the region the daycare is in, but its unlikely the worst way to get a good pokemon, first of all, the tasks ask for a lot of things that may vary, things like vitamins, rare candys, some random berrys and even things like soothe bell, metal coat, sharp beak, mystic water and things like that so it asks for a lot of resources Sometimes the granny asks you to look for a plant, item or something that is somewhere around the region, for example in hoenn the blue shell that its in route 129 underwater, the deep clay in diglets cave while in kanto, the golden olphistle in lake of rage in johto, or the ancient seed in ruins valley of sevii islands, the "rarer" the poke is, for example a starter, the more things like this you should go to look for, so its slow. I always used a train ticket to travel between regions and citys to do this tasks more often and a little more easier but its still not worth doing it and still takes time for such a low chance to get a good pokemon, imagine someone that doesnt have the train ticket to do something like this, or someone that just wants to explore the things the game has to offer at the moment the player unlocks the daycare by defeating Naero Boss, its easy for the first tasks, it most likely asks for 1 or 2 steps to heal the pokemon, and its not a lot but when u get to 3rd rank pokemons in this tasks, it can ask for 4 or 5 steps and it doesnt sound like a lot, but it actually is when introducing the plants/items that you have to search in the whole region, or when the granny asks for a vitamin and you have to go to a department store because for some reason you dont have more vitamins. now this mudkip needs chimney ash so i had to got to lavaridge town once to try get the first step done. now she asked for a tiny mushroom, glad i had one in the backpack, so i got second step done chimney ash again, twice now, so i had to go to lavaridge again from mauville city to get chimney ash, glad that i wasnt asked to get the blue shell that i talked about earlier at this moment i gave up, she asked for a poison barb, i dont have it, i dont know where to get it or even if its possible to buy it anywhere from an npc, if its not "buyable" then i have to investigate and hunt for a poke that can hold it, just for this mudkip that its not 100% sure to be a good or even decent one. instead for looking for a poison barb or doing all this i could just go to safari and try to hunt for a mudkip myself, a lot easier and can even find another poke that i might want while hunting for it, so, its not worth doing this tasks. I think the pokemon doctor tasks by itself its well made and its perfect but the problem is the rewards. I think it may be good to add extra rewards like for example pve coins and increasing the cooldown of this so people cant abuse it so much with its 6-11 hours cooldown, pokedollars, maybe clothes as a rare-tier reward like a nurse cap, nurse joy clothes or something like that, making this method of getting pokemons have a little higher chance to get shinys or something, an special daycare skin pokemons, i dont know, something! Improving the pokemon doctor tasks in some way can get more players interested on it and make the game a little more fun, its a pretty much unexplored area of the game as i saw in a lot of players around the community im in because of its kind of bad rewards, this is my suggestion.
  20. 400k? u still selling it? talk to me in discord if u interested or at least to talk about prices. Lyfr#4397
  21. Hello, i would like to buy the Clefairy and the Alolan-Grimer. My username in discord is Lyfr#4397, or Lyfr ingame.
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