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About Wuxiaworld

  • Birthday 07/04/2006

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  1. Hello wuxia this side IGN - Wuxia world Discord -wuxi2732 Well I am have return to this game after years of break, last time I gave away all my stuff so I am trying to stand with a fresh start, I am sure I'll be able to contribute to guild
  2. ) What is your nickname in the game? Wuxiaworld 2-) What is your personal name? Wuxi 3-) How old are you? 22 4-) What is your total time in the game? 600+ hours 5-) What do you like to do in the game? Pvp and bosses 6-) What's your discord? (Username) wuxi2732 7-) What is your favorite pokemon? ( Optional) Suicuine
  3. Join soon guys, and be part of fun events
  4. Ohh man I was asleep when it was in its last bid gl whoever won this thing I could have paid more ngl
  5. Guys if anyone wanna join we have space for you Don't be shy lol and join If you wanna learn we have academy If you wanna share your experience and have a chill and fun environment we have royal You are more then welcome to apply
  6. Bump , Intrested guys join We have some interesting upcoming events
  7. Hello wassup guys I wanna sell my metagross which is max speed and 29 attack with decent other ivs and a naive nature which is very good for mix set , especially grass knot or shadowball to avoid pesky slowbro rockyhelm it also has hp ice to avoid the ice punch chip damage from garchomp and landorus So I wanna start my price from 2m (minimum increase is 200k) Insta is 7m Bid end in 4 days (start from the moment 1st offer )
  8. Player name: wuxiaworld Showdown name: wuxiaworldisme Server: gold Timezone: GMT +5:30 Rank on ladder: 16
  9. I came here to explain you but Norex reply is perfect And my opinion and experience are same with this game Also welcome mate
  10. Welcome mate Also do check guild section in forum You will find some amazing guild which are recruiting That can help you in your game play regarding pvp and pve
  11. Just because it's weak to ice doesn't give it options to come to ou play mate , Even in showdown it was ubers in gen 6 or 7 It's broken in current meta , It's like nidoking But with better bulk and speed
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