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  1. In honor of the best form of all time being added to PRO, Biggie Cheese Dedenne, I will be giving away 3m pokedollars to one lucky person in this thread. All you have to do to enter is post a picture of either biggie cheese or biggie cheese dedenne. Can be one you find online or one you draw yourself, doesn't matter! I will put the names of everyone who entered into a roulette wheel to select a winner at random on Thursday, October 24th ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: The winner is Choxx ! Congrats to my similarly named brethren! Thank you all for participating and spreading the love of the big cheese! msedge_rSZ9VEuRKT (2).mp4
  2. Start
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  4. Sussy Seaclouds Would be located in this body of water below Sweetsland. This little cloud island was formed to home the foongus and diglett halloween lines.
  5. I drew Halloween Farfetch'd using exclusively the airbrush tool in paint lol
  6. Just a silly little thing I made for fun. He wants to be a big and strong long boi too
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  9. Chozg

    pity system

    -1 As much as it can be demoralizing that its pure luck, having a pity system defeats the point of rarity.
  10. Sponge Ball
  11. 1,274,813
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