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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. this was a staller hype ~
  2. you already joined us right?
  3. friendly welcome to u
  4. the best way is you need to take a screenshot as a proof, but personally I do not recommend you for lending or give them to test the particular pokemon, unless he or she is ur trusted friend
  5. BUMP~looking for more PvP players in blue server
  6. alright good luck
  7. if ur interest feel free to look at immortal guild~ we are the top guild
  8. our guild also a top guild...I like this
  9. https://discord.gg/GK9J35 here you go
  10. quite many people had discuss this issue previously, but I don't think it will be implemented
  11. keep on :3 next target set it 300
  12. I like ur idea
  13. its cool
  14. 15k + 5k safari entry fees...yeah agree
  15. We are looking an active experienced player with more than 300+ hours game play, especially a pvp player
  16. We need playtime more than 300+ to join the guild, so sorry about that
  17. Welcome to Blue my friend
  18. yeah Im active for my shop :Heart: Thanks for ur purchase :y:
  19. welcome to pro
  20. talon sold with 750k +30d ms (thanks) ^^
  21. Thanks for apply, but sorry you didn't meet the 300+ hrs playtime to join our guild. We are looking for experience players :Grin:
  22. an1ma noooo...no more pvp stream haha
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