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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. The user alr get banned...
  2. yeah, you need to defeat it again to get the dex data
  3. what we need to do is just wait them to fix it here to check server status > https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/
  4. now the server is crash, what we can do is just wait them to fix it
  5. welcome to PRO
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated June 4th 2017] <r><IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/88e58bf8d706406b8f3e63bfce3c6580.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  7. Bliss = ard 1.3m Venu = ard 600k
  8. an1ma i support u haha
  9. I was thinking to sell it for 1.2m :Smile:
  10. gl for all t=3 servers
  11. the link is expired https://discord.gg/VCuBQC this is the link
  12. talon = 1.2m insta :Shy:
  13. staroptor sold yesterday bisharp = 1.7m talon = 1.2m :Angel:
  14. Re: WTS Garchomp JOLLY H.A. good ivs <t>you need to fix ur image</t>
  15. The best way is to predict what is the opponent next step, like when u know he will switching out a particular pokemon, then u also send out a pokemon to counter him when he did a switch. Nowadays a lot staller!
  16. great work thor
  17. Thanks for apply our guild here is the link :https://discord.gg/bBsqa Sorry my bad the invitation expired. Can i get another one? I promise to dont let the new one expire haha https://discord.gg/uFDwpn here you go
  18. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>H.A fletch sold ingame</t>
  19. bump...some gyms are ready
  20. total time play is the total time spent on playing this game...like 100 hrs..we need urs total time
  21. Thanks for apply our guild here is the link :https://discord.gg/bBsqa
  22. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>new h.a fletchinder :3</t>
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