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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. Nice to meet you :Grin:
  2. Hi sup bro welcome
  3. HI nice to meet you bro
  4. intresting :Grin:
  5. you need to let urs been authorized so that we can access the link
  6. nice suggestion :y:
  7. yeah it sh be, base on the database it shown 90%
  8. Re: Epic! PvP epic Shop *.* (New Epic Starmie!!!) <t>new updated</t>
  9. welcome to pro
  10. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Boss Cooldown Checker 13/11/16] <r><QUOTE author="duynghia101"><s> </e></QUOTE> same reward :)</r>
  11. only if I got boosted :Cool:
  12. welcome to PRO
  13. Jamesling95

    Stalling team

    Blissey+slowbro+milotic Its boring that faced this kind of people trying to waste time with you :Bored:
  14. woo new zone
  15. Re: Ω New Guild Blue Server - Team Plasma Recruiting Ω <r>good luck for the guild <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  16. Hello to my friend, welcome :Grin:
  17. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <t>starmie sold (the first buyer is back)</t>
  18. I am a POkemon fan too :Sing: Welcome for joining PRO as you game, if you have any questions feel free to ask in forum or pm me :Smile:
  19. Welcome Back to PRO, glad to hear that :Grin:
  20. Hi welcome to PRO forum, if you are new to the forum, please check the bellow links for more information. Hope you enjoy the game :Grin: Before you start, feel free to read through the Game Rules to make sure that you are clear about the rules. Here is the Common Asked Questions that might help you to solve some of your questions Enjoy The Game
  21. Nice observation, I believe staff will notice this
  22. Hello, I can try run as administrator or reinstall the client here Hope it helps :Grin:
  23. you make make your introduction in intro section :Grin:
  24. Nice to meet you, hope u enjoy the game :Sing:
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