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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. noo...one more friend gone..miss u
  2. oh yeah..goodluck guys
  3. Nech my bro, sad to hear that...one more friend goes off again. I appreciate playing with you :3
  4. Hehe Gj guys
  5. the user alr banned...no more flet GG
  6. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>new added staraptor</t>
  7. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>new epic frolass added</t>
  8. Thanks for apply :3
  9. we cannot know how much time we left :Cry: please fix this, Thanks
  10. Hi thanks for apply our guild..I'll send you a discord link to join our family group :Angel:
  11. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>weezing sold in game</t>
  12. this is a bug..they will fix it soon
  13. Thanks for applying our guild, here is the discord link: https://discord.gg/ABkKa We will manage a slot for you after the prospect. :Smile:
  14. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <t>mamoswine sold</t>
  15. the price of jelli is 1m :3 mind to trade with some poke+$? can show u in game bro :Shy:
  16. see you bro :Frown:
  17. bump :y:
  18. 400k jelli :3
  19. Re: PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <r>bump <E>:Sing:</E></r>
  20. I didnt say ban bliss, just wanna ban that combination which is stalling the match, please read carefully
  21. A team with blissey +regenerator like slowbro and tangrowth is totally a cancer in PvP. This cause the PvP is very tedious and wasting time. Staff should think about this. It is annoying that a match used 45 mins to finish. :Nervous:
  22. BumPP :Sing:
  23. I vote DO NOT BAN because it is one of the good to counter staller like blissey and slowbro together in opponent team, if you wanna ban this, then please ban that people using bliss with slowbro or others stall team which really ruined the PvP joy, like 45 mins a match. This is ridiculous.
  24. They have nothing do with this, since the official catching rate for beldum is only 3%
  25. Re: GOOD PvP Shop *.* (New Updated! 3/20) <r>ferrothorn pvp ready added <E>:Cool:</E></r>
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