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Everything posted by Jamesling95

  1. there are many pokemon can deal with it like excadrill or magnezone
  2. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="mysteries"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yes its still available because the buyer isn't online for a week, then is urs, I am online not will pm u soon</r>
  3. Yup i got it mate but what Pokes should i keep and which one should i throw please? if drgnite is h.a u can keep, if nope just keep it as collection
  4. Welcome to PRO forum, you are playing in blue server right? All the best for your game :Shy:
  5. Bonjour, nice to meet you
  6. staff have no obligation on helping this issue, I suggest that u evo it in 97 or 98 then use rare candy to level up, there's the best and safest way to evolve. I am very sorry about that.
  7. E4 isnt a problem at all. The problem is i have 6 useless Pokes and i don't know if their stats can save them or not. (eg: I know that Dragonite must be Adamant so is Naughty can be good to or not?). If it was 1 fail it's ok but 6... [Censored] me Like dragonite, you need to hunt a better adamant or jolly in order to face opponent in pvp. Most of the time people bring their perfect pokemon for pvp
  8. I recommend you catch a good timid gengar and is useful for elite 4 or lanturn
  9. Enjoy it :Sing:
  10. is not the mount issue, you need to have the 5th badge in order to use the surf on the water
  11. 252 Def and Hp only h.a will be suggested for PvP Moveset recommended: stealth rock, ice beam, earth power , flamethrower
  12. I agree with the rate from Hasseeb373
  13. Re: Jirachi Quest Full Demo. (Part 1+2) [Latios 10 locations found Updated] <r><QUOTE author="lilycove"><s> </e></QUOTE> Latias and Latios will be randomly located in the specific location as shown in the description</r>
  14. the most tough part is searching latias and latios LoL
  15. Nice to meet you friend :Sing:
  16. sounds interesting
  17. drain punch is forbidden in pvp
  18. Nice, good details with pros and cons :Grin:
  19. Is not in game yet but I believe coming soon
  20. no need worry about the server crash, normally it will be fixed in shortly
  21. Thanks alot :Grin:
  22. its a bug like parasect same proble, as what tro11z said, need to learn stun powder before you learn spore
  23. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> since you really need it I offer you 260k+1 rare <E>:Angel:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> ok :) where can I meet u at?<e> </e></QUOTE> bro I will try to pm you in game my time zone is GMT +8</r>
  24. Re: Mega PvP epic Shop *.* (New Updated!!!) <r><QUOTE author="bodnar"><s> </e></QUOTE> got smoke ball or focus sash?<e> </e></QUOTE> nope. I think i got a better deal.<br/> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><e> </e></QUOTE> since you really need it I offer you 260k+1 rare <E>:Angel:</E></r>
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