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Everything posted by Whitt

  1. noted! Ends 72hrs from bid, countdown added to post
  2. Accepted payment(s) Currently Based in Gold Server but will transfer if need ofc! C.O = 4.1m by Magikarpsh Min raise = 100k No Insta Ends 72hrs after start! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5754904 GOOD LUCK!
  3. Noted bro, auctions end 24hrs. countdowns added to both auctions
  4. Accepted payment(s): Pokedollars Coin Capsule = 400k IV Reroll = 500k Nature Reroll = 250k Charizard (Awaiting trade) Winner! = 3.05m by Orocky Min Raise = 50k Insta = 7m Ends 24hrs after start! Ends 14:36pm UK https://countingdownto.com/?c=5753043 Greninja (trade complete) C.O = 705k by Doggosaurus Min Raise = 50k Insta = 3m Ends 24hrs after start! Ends 13:48pm UK https://countingdownto.com/?c=5753771 Tangrowth (trade complete) Winner! = 300k by Vexdark Min Raise = 50k No Insta Ends 24hrs after start! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5753054 GOOD LUCK!
  5. +50k Shroomish + Gible
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