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Everything posted by Ivvyyy

  1. Sorry I just noticed the highest bidder is you than kindly message me on discord or somewhere
  2. Won thank you all for participating Connect me on discord ivvyyy143
  3. Won thank you all for participating
  4. Noted 18 hours left
  5. Wts Ferrothorn Start price 1m poke dollar Auction time - 48 hours from from the 1st offer applied Minimum price bid - 250k Accept cc - 500k
  6. Sorry i was inactive for a time. I'll make sure to keep updated now
  7. Great, you can dm me on discord when u can come online or you can leave your discord here so I can able to contact you in game. Discord link is updated now
  8. Hey, sorry for the delay but I didn't get any notification from the forum so I couldn't figure it out. But if you're still intrested to buy charizard, then you can tell.
  9. No, just this one is for now.
  10. Hi, i want to buy gardevoir 200k.
  11. It seems that no one intrested to buy So now I decide to close this thread. Can be closed By staff.
  12. It's really So Annoying to battle with the same person again and again in a row. +1 from me !!!
  13. . Price : 2.8m Price : 3m Payment : Pokedollars Iv rerolls : 750k Nature rerolls : 350k Coin Capsule: 380k Pokes Are in Silver Server But Can come To Gold. Contact: Ign : Sakshii Discord: Ivvyy#5189
  14. Hi I want to buy careful Drilburr and careful Scyther. Dm me on discord : Ivvyy#5189
  15. Magnezone Sold. Ty
  16. Pokemon Shop Hello, Welcome to My Pokemon Shop. Here I AM Selling Some of My Pokemon. Yes All are PvP Ready Pokemons. If You intrested in any poke then u Can reply this post Below or contact me ign or via discord. ACCEPT METHOD : - Coin Capsule : 380k - IV Reroll : 750k - Nature Reroll : 350k - Rare Candies : 8k each Contact : IGN : Sakshii Discord : ★★𝕤𝖆K 𝐬𝔥𝕀𝕀★#5189 ****************************************************************************************************************************** Godly Pokemons Price: 1m+ Price : 100k - 1m THANK YOU !!
  17. Hi, I want to Join Your Guild. My ign: Sakshii Discord : Sakshii#5189 Gameplay Hours : 260+ h I do pvp but Still need to learn many things. I can easily earn 150+ rating.
  18. Sold for epic happiny + 500k Thank you
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